
Latest version: v0.9.0

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- Benefactors have been removed. Powerups are directly selected by admins
and grouped into Products (as defined in xmantissa.product). Products
are associated with signup mechanisms now, rather than benefactor factories.

When Products are installed on user stores, Installation items are created
to track the installed powerups. Installations may be suspended, which will
disable the rendering of the web interface of their powerups. Unsuspension
will restore them to visibility.

- Add xmantissa.port module which provides two item classes, TCPPort and
SSLPort, which can be used to set up and tear down network services in
a general manner, removing the need to implement service and port logic
at each point where a TCP or SSL server is desired.

Provide a web interface for administrators to create and destroy these
ports in a general way, making network service configuration for all
mantissa applications that much richer.

Update command line tools to deal with this change as well, but they do
not expose the complete flexibility of the new system.

Take note, certificates for SSL services have been copied to a new
location in this upgrade. This leaves the original certificate file
unchanged but mostly unused.

- The "Add Person" form will now ensure that only one person can exist with
any given email address.


- Stylesheets work on HTTP-only servers again.
- User info signup gives more feedback on why invalid input is rejected.
- Prefs forms are redisplayed after submission rather than "[Object object]"
- Only domains currently hosted by the server will be accepted as host parts
for new usernames.
- Improved range checking in ScrollTable to avoid IndexErrors. Also reset
the scroll tracking property when a ScrollTable is emptied.


- Images, Javascript and CSS are now served over HTTPS when the page is.


- Added a method for retrieving all of the email addresses associated with a
- Removed unnecessary attributes from ItemQueryScrollingFragment and
documented the required IColumn attribute, attributeID.


- Trivial changes to the scrolltable API.


- Mantissa CSS now uses the same style for :link and :visit.
- Improved signup and password reset behaviour.
- Title of the settings page changed to "Settings".
- Fixed an issue where scrolling around or calling emptyAndRefill() in
certain situations would generate a phantom scroll event which would
result in the scrolltable ignoring subsequent scrolls.

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