- Added command `tilesets list-activity` that returns activity data for a user's tilesets
- Bug Fix: Fix setup script to have `geojson` package in setup.py install requirements
*Yanked due to missing `geojson` package in setup.py*
- Validates source in `upload-source` command using [geojson package](https://github.com/jazzband/geojson). - Provides line number for an invalid feature that is detected with the geojson validator.
- Validates source id for correct syntax when `upload-source` command to resolve `Connection reset by peer error`
- Loads `supermercado` on request because binaries for arm64 MacOS and Windows are not easily available. - Hide deprecated `add-source` command from command list. - Raise error in `tilesets status` for non-200s (includes unpublished tilesets).
- Provide description for `upload-source` command, and label `add-source` command as deprecated.