------------------ - Breaking change: in mapbox-upload TILESET is now the first positional argument and source file the second, reversing the order set in 0.4.0 (85). - Add a uploads progress bar (86). - Skip staging for datasources in accessible S3 buckets (49). - Requirements: use mapbox SDK version >=0.11.
------------------ - Use mapbox sdk 0.10.1
------------------ - Output sequence of geojson --features from geocoding (76) - Ability to --limit number of geocoding results (77) - Removed the datasets batch-update-delete functionality (79) - Added patch mode functionality for uploads (80)
- **Fix:** Fix a CORS-related bug that caused Firefox to send preflight `OPTIONS` requests that were rejected by the server. This bug surfaced in Firefox with the Tilequery API, but may possibly have affected some other endpoints and some other browsers.
------------------ - Add support for geocoder bounding box filter (73) - mapbox upload arguments in INPUT OUTPUT order, takes input on stdin (68)
------------------ - Bug fix for staticmap feature input (60)