What's Changed * Add a "Recent" menu for workflows by tsalemink in https://github.com/MusculoskeletalAtlasProject/mapclient/pull/126 * Add workflow runner application by hsorby in https://github.com/MusculoskeletalAtlasProject/mapclient/pull/125 * Update PMR interaction by tsalemink in https://github.com/MusculoskeletalAtlasProject/mapclient/pull/123 * Add human readable message to workflow execution failure. by hsorby in https://github.com/MusculoskeletalAtlasProject/mapclient/pull/127
What's Changed * Add a picture of the workflow when saving. by hsorby in https://github.com/MusculoskeletalAtlasProject/mapclient/pull/117 * Run application build on macos-13 GitHub runner. by hsorby in https://github.com/MusculoskeletalAtlasProject/mapclient/pull/118 * Try using macos-13-amr64 GitHub runner. by hsorby in https://github.com/MusculoskeletalAtlasProject/mapclient/pull/119 * Use macos-13 GitHub runner with Python 3.10 for on demand deployment. by hsorby in https://github.com/MusculoskeletalAtlasProject/mapclient/pull/120 * Add version to splash screen. by hsorby in https://github.com/MusculoskeletalAtlasProject/mapclient/pull/121 * Upgrade actions used in on-demand-deployment script. by hsorby in https://github.com/MusculoskeletalAtlasProject/mapclient/pull/122