Breaking changes:
* The `comparisons()` now uses "forward contrasts" by default for numeric predictors, instead of "centered contrasts". This can lead to small numerical differences in non-linear models.
* The `variables` argument of the `comparisons()` function no longer accepts numeric vectors unless they are of length 2, specifying the low and high contrast values. This is to avoid ambiguity between the two vector version. Users should supply a data frame or a function instead. This is nearly as easy, and removes ambiguity.
New supported packages:
* `dbarts`:
* `mvgam`: Not available on CRAN yet, but this package maintains its own `marginaleffects` support function.
* `rms::Gls`:
* `comparisons()`: The `variables` argument now accepts functions and data frames for factor, character, and logical variables.
* Deprecation warning for: `plot_cap()`, `plot_cme()`, and `plot_cco()`. These function names will be removed in version 1.0.0.
* `options(modelsummary_factory_default=...)` is respected in Quarto and Rmarkdown documents.
* `wts` argument now respected in `avg_slopes()` for binary variables. Thanks to trose64 for report 961
* Custom functions in the `comparison` argument of `comparisons()` did not supply the correct `x` vector length for bayesian models when the `by` argument is used. Thanks to Sandhu-SS for report 931.
* Add support for two facet variables (through `facet_grid`) when plotting using `condition`
* `comparisons()`: When `variables` is a vector of length two and `newdata` has exactly two columns, there was ambiguity between custom vectors and length two vector of contrasts. Bug reported by C. Rainey on Twitter.
* Superfluous warning with `fixest::fenegbin`.