
Latest version: v3.0.29

Safety actively analyzes 682487 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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| Master merging | 0.9.1 | 0.9.2.dev0 | 0.9.2.dev1 |

Docker image versioning

Our universal Docker image is ready-to-use on linux/amd64, linux/armv7+, linux/arm/v6, linux/arm64. The Docker image name always starts with `marie-ai/marie` followed by a tag composed of three parts:


- `{version}`: The version of Marie. Possible values:
- `latest`: the last release;
- `master`: the master branch of `marie-ai/marie` repository;
- `x.y.z`: the release of a particular version;
- `x.y`: the alias to the last `x.y.z` patch release, i.e. `x.y` = `x.y.max(z)`;
- `{python_version}`: The Python version of the image. Possible values:
- `-py310` for Python 3.10;
- `-py311` for Python 3.11;
- `{extra}`: the extra dependency installed along with Marie. Possible values:
- ` `: Marie is installed inside the image via `pip install marie-ai`;
- `-standard`: Marie is installed inside the image via `pip install marie`. It includes all recommended dependencies;
- `-devel`: Marie is installed inside the image via `pip install "marie[devel]"`. It includes `standard` plus some extra dependencies;


- `marie-ai/marie:0.9.6`: the `0.9.6` release with Python 3.7 and the entrypoint of `marie`.
- `marie-ai/marie:latest`: the latest release with Python 3.7 and the entrypoint of `marie`
- `marie-ai/marie:master`: the master with Python 3.7 and the entrypoint of `marie`

Image alias and updates

| Event | Updated images | Aliases |
| --- | --- | --- |
| On Master Merge | `marie-ai/marie:master{python_version}{extra}` | |
| On `x.y.z` release | `marie-ai/marie:x.y.z{python_version}{extra}` | `marie-ai/marie:latest{python_version}{extra}`, `marie-ai/marie:x.y{python_version}{extra}` |

Six images are built, i.e. taking the combination of:
- `{python_version} = ["-py37", "-py38", "-py39"]`
- `{extra} = ["", "-devel", "-standard"]`

Manual Release Entrypoint

Manual release entrypoint is designed for authorized core developers of Marie.

Trigger weekly release manually

One can release a hotfix immediately without waiting for the weekly release. Here are the steps:

1. [Go to here](
2. Click on "Run Workflow" dropdown button on the right and input the release token and the release reason.
3. Click on "Run Workflow" green button.

Rebuild all Docker images for certain `git tag` manually

1. [Go to here](
2. Click on "Run Workflow" dropdown button on the right and input the release token and the release reason.
3. Click on "Run Workflow" green button.

![Rebuild all Docker images](.github/images/manual-docker-build.png)

Note, the manual rebuild on Docker images will *NOT* update `:latest-*` and `:x.y-*` aliases.


| Master merging | 0.9.0 | 0.9.1.dev0 | 0.9.1.dev1 |
| Master merging | 0.9.0 | 0.9.1.dev1 | 0.9.1.dev2 |
| Master merging | 0.9.0 | 0.9.1.dev2 | 0.9.1.dev3 |

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