Now you can download it in just a few mins!
It includes an instagram analyzer tool that scans through all the images of an instagram user and shows some statistics about what type of apparel the user is wearing and even displays the instances of them, if you request it.
Say you want to quickly find what skirt (or footwear) your instagram star always wears. With this tool you can! And you can also see how often the instagram user shows himself alone in their images, and what he/she usually shares of him (always pictures with shoes? always only the top part?)
It's really nice overall and it's just a simple application of what this technology can do.
If you have a previous version, run the download command again (you can run it in the same folder)
The resnet50_modanet.h5 file attached is after 30 epochs of default settings, with fixed dataset.
Clone the repository to the last master, don't download the source code from here.