What's Changed
* [ADD] Protein Selection box by singjc in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/1
* Feature/align axes by singjc in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/3
* [REFACTOR] Plotting, encapsulate chrom data plotting by singjc in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/5
* Patch/separate peakpicking params by singjc in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/6
* [ADD] Grid plotting by singjc in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/12
* [Feature] Logging by singjc in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/18
* [ADD] Transition list loaders by singjc in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/23
* FeatureMap - TransitionGroup Linking by singjc in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/24
* [ADD] empty methods for structs by singjc in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/31
* Patch/refactor chrom loading by jcharkow in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/26
* [FIX] dependencies by singjc in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/22
* Patch/refactor peak picking by jcharkow in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/27
* Patch/plotting by singjc in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/29
* [ADD] conditional decorator to check for streamlit context by singjc in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/36
* [FIX] check for targeted_transition_list and initialize bokeh figure … by singjc in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/35
* Patch/pandas df output by jcharkow in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/32
* [FIX] pyMRMTransitionGroupPicker bugs by jcharkow in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/41
* Gaussian Smoothing by alhigaylan in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/42
* Patch/refactor UI by singjc in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/39
* Fix/speedup sql by jcharkow in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/49
* Patch/transition group refactor by jcharkow in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/55
* Feature/conformer by singjc in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/58
* [ADD] performance measurements by singjc in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/57
* Patch/notebook plotting by jcharkow in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/63
* Josh's Suggestions for rawData refactoring by jcharkow in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/56
* Feature/rawdata by singjc in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/54
* [FIX] sqlite programming error when st.caching by singjc in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/65
* [FIX][FEATURE] add zeros to chroms/mobs by jcharkow in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/66
* Package/pypi by irahorecka in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/68
New Contributors
* singjc made their first contribution in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/1
* alhigaylan made their first contribution in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/42
* irahorecka made their first contribution in https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/pull/68
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Roestlab/massdash/commits/v0.0.1-alpha