Updated the MaterialX library to the v1.37 specification. See the [v1.37 changelist](http://www.materialx.org/assets/MaterialX.v1.37REV2.Changelist.pdf) for full details.
- Added a Shadow Map option to the viewer, supported by shadowing functionality in GLSL code generation.
- Added support for the 'uisoftmin', 'uisoftmax', and 'uistep' attributes, updating Autodesk Standard Surface to leverage these features.
- Added support for LookGroup elements.
- Added support for Clang 9.
- Updated the set of standard nodes to match the v1.37 specification.
- Unified the rules for NodeDef outputs, with all NodeDefs defining their output set through Output child elements rather than 'type' attributes.
- Replaced GeomAttr elements with GeomProp elements.
- Replaced backdrop nodes with Backdrop elements.
- Aligned Matrix33 and Matrix44 with the row-vector convention, for improved consistency with Imath, USD, and other libraries.
- Updated the stb_image library to version 2.23.