_**This release refactors Matfree's API and is not backwards-compatible. See pull request 164 for additional context.
The best source for instructions for using the new API are the tutorials in Matfree's online documentation.**_
What's Changed
* A few improvements to the README by pnkraemer in https://github.com/pnkraemer/matfree/pull/157
* Add support for python3.12 by pnkraemer in https://github.com/pnkraemer/matfree/pull/158
* Merge montecarlo/hutchinson and decomp/lanczos modules by pnkraemer in https://github.com/pnkraemer/matfree/pull/161
* Renamed decomposition algorithms by pnkraemer in https://github.com/pnkraemer/matfree/pull/162
* Rename hutchinson functions and delete unused vdC code by pnkraemer in https://github.com/pnkraemer/matfree/pull/163
* PyTree compatibility, new look for API, and automatic documentation-build by pnkraemer in https://github.com/pnkraemer/matfree/pull/164
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/pnkraemer/matfree/compare/v0.0.8...v0.0.9