This is the second bugfix release of the 3.6.x series.
This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments:
* Avoid mutating dictionaries passed to `subplots`
* Fix `bbox_inches='tight'` on a figure with constrained layout enabled
* Fix auto-scaling of `ax.hist` density with `histtype='step'`
* Fix compatibility with PySide6 6.4
* Fix evaluating colormaps on non-NumPy arrays
* Fix key reporting in pick events
* Fix thread check on PyPy 3.8
* Handle input to `` that is all NaN
* Make rubber band more visible on Tk and Wx backends
* Restore (and warn on) seaborn styles in `style.library`
* Restore `get_renderer` function in deprecated `tight_layout`
* nb/webagg: Fix resize handle on WebKit browsers (e.g., Safari)