
Latest version: v8.

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- Released version 3.2.

- Added option to `cdf2matp.m` to specify output case file version.

- Fixed bug in `pfsoln.m` which caused incorrect value for `Qg` when
`Qmin == Qmax` for all generators at a bus in power flow solution.
- Added 5 larger scale (> 2000 bus) cases for Polish system.
*Thanks to Roman Korab <>.*
- Modified default OPF algorithm selection to use PDIPMOPF
if available and MINOPF is not. Order of precedence is now
500, 540, 520, 100/200.

- Added ability in `opf.m` and `fmincopf.m` to specify initial value
and bounds on user variables via new input arguments `z0`, `zl`, `zh`.

- **INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE:** Name of option 24 in mpoption change from
- Added option to use current magnitude instead of apparent power
for line flow limits. Set `OPF_FLOW_LIM` to 2.

- **INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE:** Changed the sign convention used for
phase shifters to be consistent with PTI, PowerWorld, PSAT, etc.
E.g. A phase shift of 10 deg now means the voltage at the "to"
end is delayed by 10 degrees.

- Added `t_auction_pdipm.m` and renamed `t_auction.m` to

- Updated `have_fcn.m` to check for appropriate minimum versions of

- Modified `printpf.m` to correctly detect binding line limits when
a limit of 0 is taken to mean unconstrained.
- Fixed bugs in handling of multipliers for general PQ capability
curves in `fmincopf.m` (also in `mopf.m` and `tspopf.m`).
- Refactored `t_opf.m` into separate files for each solver.
- Modified `opf.m`, `mpoption.m`, `mpver.m`, `have_fcn.m` to include
support for TSPOPF, a new optional package of OPF solvers.

- Added check to `runpf.m` for case where all gens hit Q limits when
`ENFORCE_Q_LIMS` is enabled.



- Released version 3.1b2.

- Added `makePDFT.m` which builds the DC PTDF matrix for a specified
slack distribution.

- Added optional outputs `xr`, `pimul` to `fmincopf` and `opf.m` to make them
fully interchangeable with `mopf.m`.

- Added branch angle difference constraints to general OPF formulation
in `fmincopf.m` (and `mopf.m`). These limits are specified by non-zero
values in the `ANGMIN` and/or `ANGMAX` columns of the `branch` matrix.
If limits are provided in the data, they are enforced by default.
This can be overridden by setting the `OPF_IGNORE_ANG_LIM` option
to 1 using `mpoption`.
- Fixed (invisible) bug with multipliers of lower bounded linear
constraints in `fmincopf.m`.



- Released version 3.1b1.

- Fixed `mpver.m` so it will properly handle case where the Optimization
Toolbox is not installed.

- **INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE:** Updated `opf.m`, `fmincopf.m`, `costfmin.m`, `consfmin.m` to
be able to be compatible with latest MINOPF. User supplied A matrix for
general linear constraints no longer includes columns for `y` variables
(helper vars for piecewise linear gen costs), and now requires columns
for all `x` (OPF) variables. Added generalized cost model and generator PQ
capability curves.
- Modified `savecase.m` to always save MAT files with -V6 under newer MATLAB
- Added a number of tests to `t_opf.m` for MINOPF and fmincopf for generalized
costs and additional linear constraints. Added test for fmincopf for
generator PQ capability curves.

- Added baseKV data to `case118.m` from PSAP file

- Renamed col 5 of `gencost` from `N` to `NCOST` everywhere.

- Updated version 2 case file format to modify generator PQ capability
curve specifications.
- Added `hasPQcap.m` and test for gen PQ capability curve in OPF.

- Added `OPF_IGNORE_ANG_LIM` option to `mpoption.m`.

- Modified identification of binding constraints in `printpf.m`. A
constraint is now considered to be binding if the tolerance is less
than or equal to `OPF_VIOLATION` tolerance -OR- if the corresponding
Kuhn-Tucker multiplier is non-zero. This allows binding generator
capability curves to be reported via multipliers on Pg and Qg limits.

- Updated `loadcase.m`, `savecase.m`, `idx_bus.m`, `idx_gen.m`, `caseformat.m`
and tests for version 2 case file format, which includes piece-wise
linear generator capability curves, generator ramp rates and branch
angle difference limits.



- Released version 3.0.0.

- In `mp_lp.m` and `mp_qp.m`, on Windows it now makes sure BPMPD_MEX is not
called in verbose mode which causes a MATLAB crash.



- Released version 3.0b4.

- Added `case6ww.m` and `case4gs.m`.
- Minor modifications to `printpf.m` to handle larger bus numbers.

- Minor changes to `uopf.m` to make sure it plays nicely with dispatchable

- Major updates to user manual.

- Switched to using the new `isload()` to check for dispatchable load.
- For dispatchable loads, switched from using `PG` and `QG` to `PMIN` and either
`QMIN` (for inductive loads) or `QMAX` (for capacitive loads) to define the
constant power factor constraint. This prevents the power factor
information from being lost when it is dispatched to zero. If the initial
values of `PG` and `QG` are not consistent with the ratio defined by `PMIN`
and the appropriate Q limit it gives an error. This is to prevent a user
from unknowingly using a case file which would have defined a different
power factor constraint under previous versions of MATPOWER.
If both `QMIN` and `QMAX` are zero, it no longer includes the redundant
unity power factor constraint.

- Updated `printpf.m` to display dispatchable loads and generators
separately. Reorganized the area summary section and corrected the net
exports value (subtracted half of tie-line loss) to make the numbers
add up correctly.

- Added to `runpf.m` the ability to enforce generator reactive power limits
by allowing the voltage to deviate from the set-point. This option is
controlled by the new `ENFORCE_Q_LIMS` option, which is off by default.
*Thanks to Mu Lin of Lincoln University, New Zealand whose contributions
inspired this feature.*
- Modified `pfsoln.m` to divide reactive power dispatch between multiple
generators at a bus in proportion to each gen's reactive power range,
as opposed to equally. This means that all generators at a bus will
reach their upper (or lower) limits simultaneously.
- Added generator status column to generator section of `printpf.m` output.
Fixed bugs where non-zero output of decommitted generators was displayed
and included in generation totals in generator and bus sections.

- Moved some setting of `MNS_*` default options from `opf.m` to `mopf.m`.
- Eliminated unused output args in `dcopf.m`.
- Modified `printpf.m` to zero out reactive generator output for DC cases
and to use `OPF_VIOLATION` tolerance to detect binding constraints, as
opposed to non-zero Kuhn-Tucker multipliers.

- Modified bpmpd portion of `mp_qp.m` and `mp_lp.m` to use default value for
`TFEAS2` and eliminate variable limits which appear to be artificial
large values used to indicate free variables.

- Fixed potential bug in dimensions of `Yf` and `Yt` created in `makeYbus.m`.

- Added feasibility check to `mp_lp.m` and `mp_qp.m` to work around a
recently discovered bug in BPMPD_MEX 2.21 where it sometimes returns an
incorrect (infeasible) solution for a DC OPF problem. This bug has yet
to be encountered in any other context.

- Added `mpver.m` to print version information.

- Fixed bugs in `cdf2matp.m` which prevented it from working at all
when not specifying both input parameters and caused it to
sometimes not add the warnings at the end of the file.
- Fixed typo in name of lower bound input argument in `opf.m`. Only
affected those calling OPF directly with extra linear constraints.



- Released version 3.0b3.
- Generated clean versions of all included case files using latest
`cdf2matp` and `savecase`. Added documentation for source of data
for case files.
- More enhancements to `cdf2matp.m`. Adds comments at beginning, appends
conversion warnings as comments at end of file. Uses `savecase.m` to
save the data.
- Updated `savecase.m` to use `%g` instead of `%f` many places, correctly
handle multi-line comments, include headers for extra columns for
solved cases. Optionally returns filename with extension.

- Fixed bug in `grad_std.m`, introduced in 3.0b2, which prevented `constr`
and LP-based OPF solvers from working for polynomial cost functions.

- In `cdf2matp.m`, added input args, updated docs, switched to named
indexing of data matrices, new method for creating gen costs.
- Documentation fixes and additions from Pan Wei.

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