- This version is a complete restructuration. The API has changed, and
the workflow is more friendly. This API is intended to be stable,
and from now on any change will pass through the “Deprecated” stage.
Added Features
- Outputs have a prettier print format.
- Outputs have a plot function. Try to plot a `tsmp()` output for
- Now functions can work in `%>%` (pipe), e.g. `tsmp() %>%
find_motif()`. Except for SDTS that has a proper way to work.
- Added a wrapper function called `tsmp()` that handles the several
algorithms available.
- Added `as.*` functions to allow you to switch classes if you want,
e.g.: `as.matrixprofile()`.
- Changed all functions from to snake\_case (except `as.*`
- Added Annotation Vectors.
- Fixed STOMP crash with Joins.
- Added support to query \< data in Joins.
- SCRIMP (experimental).