* Switched from SQLAlchemy to asyncpg/aiosqlite.
* The default database is now Postgres. If using SQLite, make sure you install
the `sqlite` [optional dependency](https://docs.mau.fi/bridges/python/optional-dependencies.html).
* **Alembic is no longer used**, schema migrations happen automatically on startup.
* **The automatic database migration requires you to be on the latest legacy
database version.** If you were running any v0.10.x version, you should be on
the latest version already. Otherwise, update to v0.10.2 first, upgrade the
database with `alembic`, then upgrade to v0.11.0 (or higher).
* Added support for contact messages.
* Added support for Telegram sponsored messages in channels.
* Only applies to broadcast channels with 1000+ members
(as per <https://t.me/durov/172>).
* Only applies if you're using puppeting with a normal user account,
because bots can't get sponsored messages.
* Fixed non-supergroup member sync incorrectly kicking one user from the Matrix
side if there was no limit on the number of members to sync (broke in v0.10.2).
* Updated animated sticker conversion to support [lottieconverter r0.2]
(thanks to [sot-tech] in [694]).
* Updated Docker image to Alpine 3.15.
* Formatted all code using [black](https://github.com/psf/black)
and [isort](https://github.com/PyCQA/isort).
[lottieconverter r0.2]: https://github.com/sot-tech/LottieConverter/releases/tag/r0.2
[694]: https://github.com/mautrix/telegram/pull/694