- First to Claim - to bulk upload for Enrolment Identities added to the
_Foundation Interface_. (1162)
- First to Claim - to bulk delete for Enrolment Identities added to the
_Foundation Interface_. (1432)
- Certificate entities added to the _Foundation Interface_. (1438)
- Update Campaigns statistics summary and events added to the _Foundation
Interface_. (1467)
- Introduction of the _Foundation Interface_ which adds a new 'Entities' based
interface. (1567)
- Addition of server credentials entity to the _Foundation Interface_ including
ability to get all credentials in a single resource. (1604)
- Account Management entities to support Aggregators / Sub-Tenant accounts
added to the _Foundation Interface_. (1605)
- Device Events entity added to the _Foundation Interface_. (1768)
- Addition of device entity to the _Foundation SDK_ and support added for
Certificate Renew. (1827)
- Pelion Device Management rebranding (previously Mbed Cloud). (1915)
- Support for Certificate Blacklist (Enrolment Denials) added to the
_Foundation Interface_. (1997)
- Device Update support added to the _Foundation Interface_. (2004)
- Support for filtering list endpoints added to the _Foundation Interface_.
- Pre-Shared Key (PSK) added to the _Foundation Interface_. (2339)
- 1615, 1828, 2384