Minor version bump because of an interface change in some convenience functions, for example
dNdxlab in particledata. Those now consistently accept kinetic energy arguments. In the
previous versions some of these functions required laboratory energies others kinetic, that
may have generated some confusion. Other changes include:
- multiple calls to `set_single_particle` can define an initial state by using an the `append` flag
- updated to crflux 1.0.3 (Windows compatibility)
- Flux and result array are re-created when interaction model changes (not resized)
- Fixed ctypes bug in NRLMSISE
- Long description fixed in setup.py
- added license to scikit-hep project's azure-build-helpers by Henryiigithub
- build includes Python 3.8 binaries (except for 32bit Linux)
- tests moved into MCEq package
- improved ctypes library finding
- new convenience function MCEqRun.closest_energy to obtain the closest grid point
- new convenience functions mceq_config.set_mkl_threads allows setting thread count in run time
- new CorsikaAtmosphere location "ANTARES/KM3NeT-ORCA"
- tests for atmospheres