For issue
- On `ClinicalCore`:
- The `race` attribute is now a 1-to-many mapping to `CoreRace` via `core_races`
- The `type_tobacco_used` is now a 1-to-many mapping to `CoreTobacco` via `core_tobaccos`
- The attribute `days_to_birth` is now required
- On `Biospecimen`:
- The enumeration for `Precancers` has a whole bunch of new permitted values
- On `BreastOrgan`:
- The enumeration for `PrecancerousHistopathology` contains values for "unknown" and "data not available"
- The enumeration for `BreastSite` now has an `unknown` value
- A new value `pending` is available for `GeneticTestingAnswer`, `TestResults`, `EstrogenTestResults`
- The enumeration `HER2Results` adds `pending` and `unknown` values
- The enumeration `BreastImagingWorkup` adds an `unknown` value
- The enumeration `BIRADSTissues` adds values for "unknown" and "data not available"
- New `LungOrgan` plus (bogus) test data for it
- New `PancreasOrgan` plus (bogus) test data for it
- Updated `ProstateOrgan`
- Previously, this was just a placeholder to test multiple inheritance from the common `Organ` class in terms of both Python class hierachy and database hierarchy
- Now it's completely filled out with the `v0` prostate common data elements with its numerous controlled vocabularies
- Expanded enumerations: `ClinicalMStage7`, `TStage7`, `ClinicalNStage7`, `GroupStage7`, `MarginalStatus`
- New enumerations, far too many to enumerate 😏
For issue
- All fields in `LabCASMetadata` are now `String`.
For issue
- `inscribed_clinicalCore_participant_ID` is a new field on `PriorLesion`, `CoreRace`, and `CoreTobacco`
- `inscribed_biospecimen_identifier` is a new field on `AdjacentSpecimen`
For issue
- The following updates diverge from the [data dictionaries]( of the common data elements:
- `participant_ID` is now 50 characters (along with foreign keys and `inscribed` fields), up from 14
- `specimen_ID` is now 50 characters (along with foreign keys and `inscribed` fields), up from 16
And finally, for issue … we add `unknown` to all enumerations that didn't have it already.