* Changed matplotlib.cm.get_cmap to matplotlib.colormaps.get_cmap in color module and tests.
* Add left, bottom, top to standard layout options in `mcPlot`. * Documented as_cmap keyword of `get_cmap`.
* Use I/O type helpers in `str2tex`. * Add kwargs mechanism to `plot_save` in `mcPlot` to pass arguments to save_file. * Add --transparent as a standard option in `mcPlot`.
* Change from NCL amwg to pyjams amwg as the default color palette in `mcPlot`.
* Added `pyjams_amwg` color map. * `get_color` can get list of colors and not only single colors. * Register ufz colors only once with `get_color`. * Add `print_colors` to print known named colors to console.
* Add `get_color` to get value of named colors known to Matplotlib. * Added named colors of the guidelines of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany.