- Debug hook added to `mcpyrate.core.BaseMacroExpander` to see what the macro expander is doing. The `step_expansion` macro now uses it (which see for usage), but you can also hook your own functions to it.
- Public function `mcpyrate.quotes.is_captured_value` for advanced macrology. This allows your own macros to detect expansions of `q[h[somename]]` in the AST, and grab `somename` (original name, no name mangling) as well as the corresponding value. (There is also `is_captured_macro`, but the use cases of that are much more limited.) Detailed explanation in docstrings for now. Usage examples in the tests for the `quotes` module.
- `mcpyrate.walkers.ASTTransformer` and `ASTVisitor` now have a method `generic_withstate`, to temporarily replace the state when visiting the direct children of the given node. (This is a closer equivalent for `macropy`'s `set_ctx`, sometimes useful for writing custom walkers.)
- Improve documentation on creating magic variables: add another major strategy, and explain both strategies in more detail.
- `step_expansion` and `stepr` now accept the string `"detailed"` as a macro argument (in addition to the earlier `"dump"` that selects the AST dump renderer).
When `"detailed"` is given, they will report every macro expansion using the debug hook. This facilitates debugging of macros that expand inside-out (using explicit recursion). The definition of *step* remains the same: the `step` counter is incremented whenever the debug stepper gets control back. Just as previously, **inside-out expansion therefore occurs within one step**, but now you can see the subtree of each inner macro invocation just before and after that macro expands.
In block mode `with step_expansion`, one complete step is defined as expanding each statement in the suite by one step.
The macro arguments for `step_expansion` and `stepr` can be passed in any order.
- Fix subscript slice handling in unparser for Python 3.9 and later. Now that `ast.Index` and `ast.ExtSlice` are gone, an `ast.Tuple` may appear directly in the slice position, representing multi-dimensional indexing. Such a tuple must be rendered without surrounding parentheses, because the notation `a[1,2:5]` is fine, but `a[(1,2:5)]` is a syntax error. See https://bugs.python.org/issue34822
- Fix bug in quasiquoting of constants: support also `...` (the `Ellipsis` singleton).
- Fix bug in `splice_ast_literals` (a.k.a. run-time part of `q`) that made it crash on `ast.Nonlocal` and `ast.Global` nodes.
- Fix bug in type preservation of empty list in `ASTTransformer`.
- Fix bug in copy support of `ASTMarker` objects. Now it is possible to deepcopy ASTs that contain markers.
- Fix bug that caused the `mcpyrate.debug.show_bindings` macro or the REPL consoles to crash upon a specific kind of broken imports in user code. (E.g. accidentally binding a macro name to a module object instead of a function object.)
- Fix bug failing to honor possible overrides to `sys.stderr` in various debug-printing facilities. Always `import sys` and refer to `sys.stderr` to resolve the current value, never `from sys import stderr`.
- Up to Python 3.8, items in the decorator list cannot be subscripted, so decorator macros could not take macro arguments. In 3.9 this has been fixed, as implied by [the grammar](https://docs.python.org/3/reference/grammar.html). To work around this issue in earlier supported Python versions (3.6, 3.7, 3.8), we now support parentheses as an alternative syntax for passing macro arguments, like in `macropy`. Note that macro arguments must in any case be passed positionally! (Reasons documented in the comments of `mcpyrate.expander`.)