
Latest version: v1.0.10

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This is the 1.0 release of mecab-python3, and it comes with a few exciting changes.

- Windows wheels are finally available 31
- Unidic can be installed via pip 38
- Spaces in Tagger arguments are supported 43
- Command-line scripts are included

This means that on any platform you should be able to install a working MeCab and dictionary with just `pip install mecab-python3[unidic-lite]`. You can then use `mecab-py` on the command line just like you'd use the `mecab` binary.

One change that can break existing library usages is that **the bundled IPAdic has been removed.** If you need IPAdic you'll need to install it from source.

If you have any trouble with the new release please don't hesitate to open an issue. There is currently an unconfirmed report that it doesn't work on Conda on Windows (46), but with more information we should be able to fix that if it's actually a problem.

Thanks for using this package, and happy tokenizing.


This is a first alpha for a full 1.0 version release. :snake: :confetti_ball:

This pulls together some relatively large changes. In most cases they shouldn't affect usage, or should make the library significantly easier to install, but depending your expectations they may break existing installs. Given that the upstream MeCab is unlikely to ever see another release tracking its version doesn't really make sense, so this is a chance to start fresh. :wind_chime:

Removal of bundled IPAdic :books: :no_good:

This was bundled to make installation easier, but it happened without warning, which caused some confusion. IPAdic is old and should not be used in general; if you do want to use it it's not hard to install. Removing a bundled dictionary means that system MeCab settings, if present, will be used. **This is a breaking change if you relied on the bundled dictionary.** The bundled dictionary was released with version 0.996.1, released November 2018; the previous 0.7 did not include it.

Support for Windows wheels :package:

The scripts chezou wrote for [fugashi]( Windows builds worked for this repo with only minor changes. Currently this is only Windows x64 though I'm not sure that's a problem. This could use more testing too.

Support for PyPI dictionaries :books: :+1:

[unidic-lite]( and [unidic-py]( package the actively maintained Unidic dictionary for easy use. While mecab-python3 supports all Mecab dictionaries, as it always has, Unidic is recommended, and now it's easier to use than ever. This also opens the door for other dictionaries being packaged for PyPI distribution.

As far as I'm aware this build is stable and free of issues, but it needs more testing. If you use this alpha version it would be great to hear if it worked or if you had issues.


This release adjusts the version numbering policy. We will, from now on, keep the first two components of the version number in sync with the version number of upstream MeCab that provided the SWIG interface definition file (`MeCab.i`) and increment the third component only when we make changes to the packaging.

There are no significant code changes since the 0.8 series.


There's nothing special about this release but I need a release to exist in order to write a debian/watch file and make sure it works properly.

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