Switched from tensorflow to pytorch.
Existing models for recent basecallers have been converted to the new format.
Pytorch format models contain a ``_pt`` suffix in the filename.
- Inference is now performed using PyTorch instead of TensorFlow.
- The `medaka consensus` command has been renamed to `medaka inference` to reflect
its function in running an arbitrary model and avoid confusion with `medaka_consensus`.
- The `medaka stitch` command has been renamed to `medaka sequence` to reflect its
function in creating a consensus sequence.
- The `medaka variant` command has been renamed to `medaka vcf` to reflect its function
in consolidating variants and avoid confusion with `medaka_variant`.
- Order of arguments to `medaka vcf` has been changed to be more consistent
with `medaka sequence`.
- The helper script `medaka_haploid_variant` has been renamed `medaka_variant` to
save typing.
- Make `--ignore_read_groups` option available to more medaka subcommands including `inference`.
- The `medaka snp` command has been removed. This was long defunct as diploid SNP calling
had been deprecated, and `medaka variant` is used to create VCFs for current models.
- Loading models in hdf format has been deprecated.
- Deleted minimap2 and racon wrappers in `medaka/wrapper.py`.
- Release conda packages for Linux (x86 and aarch64) and macOS (arm64).
- Option `--lr_schedule` allows using cosine learning rate schedule in training.
- Option `--max_valid_samples` to set number of samples in a training validation batch.
- Training models with DiploidLabelScheme uses categorical cross-entropy loss
instead of binary cross-entropy.