What's Changed
* Maintain the order of event from event_config while merging cohorts by prenc in https://github.com/mmcdermott/MEDS_transforms/pull/46
* Added additional terminology. by mmcdermott in https://github.com/mmcdermott/MEDS_transforms/pull/80
* Converted codes to strings for MEDS v0.3 compliance. by mmcdermott in https://github.com/mmcdermott/MEDS_transforms/pull/83
* Updates file paths and pipeline configuration so final data and metadata outputs are written to MEDS v0.3 compatible file paths. by mmcdermott in https://github.com/mmcdermott/MEDS_transforms/pull/86
* Fixed schema of `parent_codes` and `description` in the `extract_code_metadata.py` script. by mmcdermott in https://github.com/mmcdermott/MEDS_transforms/pull/89
* Adds a finalize metadata stage that handles `dataset.json`, `codes.parquet`, and `patient_splits.parquet` retyping and MEDS verification. by mmcdermott in https://github.com/mmcdermott/MEDS_transforms/pull/91
* This makes it so that if there is a dataset with a `metadata/patient_splits.parquet` file specified and a stage that specifies a restriction to a stage, it will filter the patients on the basis of that file. by mmcdermott in https://github.com/mmcdermott/MEDS_transforms/pull/93
* Add a `finalize_MEDS_data.py` stage to validate and convert to the MEDS schema for the data files and ensure those work. by mmcdermott in https://github.com/mmcdermott/MEDS_transforms/pull/94
* Use `MEDS_BIRTH` and `MEDS_DEATH` codes by default, per https://github.com/Medical-Event-Data-Standard/meds/blob/5f87c2fdcce7f8bab46af6f81ef7892fdee098c1/src/meds/schema.py#L26 by mmcdermott in https://github.com/mmcdermott/MEDS_transforms/pull/96
* Full Compatability with MEDS v0.3. by mmcdermott in https://github.com/mmcdermott/MEDS_transforms/pull/87
* Removes the unused ability to use sequences of compute functions. by mmcdermott in https://github.com/mmcdermott/MEDS_transforms/pull/105
* Release candidate v0.0.2: MEDS v0.3 Compatability by mmcdermott in https://github.com/mmcdermott/MEDS_transforms/pull/97
New Contributors
* prenc made their first contribution in https://github.com/mmcdermott/MEDS_transforms/pull/46
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/mmcdermott/MEDS_transforms/compare/0.0.1...v0.0.2