What's New:
* NEW: New Mainscreen UI.
* NEW: Rounded flag icons in country nodes
* NEW: 70% map, 30% country node cards
* NEW: ISP Node type... residential, business, datacenter
* NEW: Meile Cache API for Node types
* NEW: MDIconToolTip for node types
* NEW: Subscription Nav bar icon
* NEW: Subscription screen
* NEW: USD Price of subscription in sub dialog
* ADD: dnspython dependency for DNS resolver
* ADD: DNSRequests Adapter for resolving icanhazip.com
* ADD: Kill WireGuard.exe on start if running
* CHANGE: Background color to deep grey of node cards
* CHANGE: Subscription prices to full token units instead of mu units.
* FIX: DNS Resolver UI hang
* FIX: Spacing on country flag in node screen
* FIX: Meile crash when WireGuard.exe is running
* REMOVED: Subscription tab
* REMOVED: Price textfield in sub dialog (opacity =0)
* Load existing subscriptions instead of pulling each time for faster load time
* Make mainscreen header row constant on node screen and subscription screen
* Redesign overall UI for 2.0 consistent with 2.0 prototype