- Added decorator to check for errors in status sanders41 (47)
- Changed commit_date type in Version to datetime to match the new MeiliSearch type sanders41 (44)
⚠️ Breaking changes
- Making search, get docments, and add documents parameters named arguments sanders41 (36)
Note that this release supports v0.21.0 of MeiliSearch and is not compatible with v0.20.0. For more information on breaking changes in v0.21.0 see the [MeiliSearch release notes](https://github.com/meilisearch/MeiliSearch/releases/tag/v0.21.0)
⚠️ Breaking changes
- Renaming fields_distribution to field_distribution sanders41 (3) - Renaming build_date to commit_date and changing to date instead of datetime sanders41 (3) - Updated wait_for_pending_updates to work with the new statuses sanders41 (3) - Updating search options to match new options sanders41 (3)
- Fixed issue where large documents were timing out sanders41 (33) - Fixed HTTPError issue when response was not set sanders41 (32) - Improving __str__ and __repr__ returns sanders41 (30)