Policies declaration via app config (https://www.rabbitmq.com/parameters.html)
Run separate service/consumer as worker
Add ABC and typevars to prevent circular import hell
Refactor Processor:
- use Annotated type for injections
- extract arguments from json body using path
- make it possible to use different encoders/decoders
- partial update based on returning type path
Separate config parser layer and schema layer (kinda DTO for aio-pika or other lower layer)
Replace setup.py with pyproject.toml
Make it possible to run separate consumers or services using cmd
\ like`mela run service_name consumer_name`
API for extensions
(Discussible) Rewrite it to `aiormq`
Ability to autogenerate publishers for consumers and services
Solve typing issues
CI/CD: add type and lint check into pipe
Make it possible to configure app not only from Yaml file
Make it possible to configure app from Yaml file with custom path
Write quickstart