Bug Fixes
- Anki subdecks are not used
- Anki subdecks are not used
- Anki subdecks are not used ([400](https://github.com/MartinBernstorff/Memium/pull/400),
fix: anki subdecks are not used
fix: use anki subdecks
- Anki subdecks are not used ([404](https://github.com/MartinBernstorff/Memium/pull/404),
fix: anki subdecks are not used
Fixes 396
tests: ensure ankiconnect gets correct subdecks
fix: extract all tags from markdown documents
fix: tag strings should not contain ""
fix: import all decks
feat: support arbitrary subdeck nesting
- Anki tags are not added
- Anki tags are not added ([398](https://github.com/MartinBernstorff/Memium/pull/398),
fix: anki tags are not added
feat: implement
- Append \ to docker command
- Create a subdir, so it can never delete an existing dir
- Do not delete entire dir
- Extract all tags from markdown documents
- Import all decks
- Imports
- Inherit from protocol ([287](https://github.com/MartinBernstorff/Memium/pull/287),
- Only update unique models
- Promptid to NoteID mapping
Fixes 284
- Qa uuid should include answer
Fixes 346
- Readme casing
- Release flow
Fixes 465
- Release flow
Fixes 465
- Release flow ([467](https://github.com/MartinBernstorff/Memium/pull/467),
fix: release flow
Fixes 465
major: release to pypi
- Release to pypi ([475](https://github.com/MartinBernstorff/Memium/pull/475),
- Smokestest
- Smokestest
- Smokestest
- Submit entire stack
- Tag strings should not contain ""
- Use anki subdecks
- Use answer when generating hash for QA
- Use answer when generating hash for QA
- Use correct id for remote sync
- Use invoke on devcontainer.json
- Use localhost for ANKICONNECT_URL if not on docker
- Use remote id for sync ([334](https://github.com/MartinBernstorff/Memium/pull/334),
- Cleanup ([476](https://github.com/MartinBernstorff/Memium/pull/476),
- Configure Renovate ([368](https://github.com/MartinBernstorff/Memium/pull/368),
Fixes 260.
- **deps**: Update actions/checkout action to v4
- **deps**: Update actions/setup-python action to v5
- **deps**: Update actions/stale action to v9
- **deps**: Update dependency dev/pre-commit to v2.21.0
- **deps**: Update dependency dev/pre-commit to v3
- **deps**: Update dependency dev/pyright to v1.1.341
- **deps**: Update dependency dev/pyright to v1.1.342
- **deps**: Update dependency dev/pyright to v1.1.343
- **deps**: Update dependency dev/ruff to v0.1.8
- **deps**: Update dependency dev/ruff to v0.1.9
- **deps**: Update dependency genanki to v0.13.1
- **deps**: Update dependency pydantic to v2.5.3
- **deps**: Update dependency sentry-sdk to v1.39.1
- **deps**: Update dependency tests/diff-cover to v8.0.2
- **deps**: Update dependency tests/pytest to v7.4.3
- **deps**: Update dependency tests/pytest-xdist to v3.5.0
- **deps**: Update docker/login-action action to v3
- **deps**: Update python docker tag to v3.12