
Latest version: v0.25.21

Safety actively analyzes 688674 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Bug Fixes

- False positives on brackets

Fixes 495

- False positives on brackets ([496](,

fix: false positives on brackets

Fixes 495

fix: remove entire code blocks

- Remove entire code blocks


Bug Fixes

- False positives on cloze for html comments

Fixes 492

- False positives on cloze for html comments

Fixes 492


Continuous Integration

- Fix smoketest permissions

Fixes 481

- Fix smoketest permissions

Fixes 481

- Fix smoketest permissions ([482](,

ci: fix smoketest permissions

Fixes 481

- Smoketests don't need ghcr


- Handle wikilinks

Fixes 485

- Handle wikilinks

Fixes 485

- Handle wikilinks and aliases ([487](,

feat: handle wikilinks

Fixes 485 and fixes 486.


Bug Fixes

- Cli entrypoint

- Type errors


- Misc. ([480](,


Bug Fixes

- Anki subdecks are not used

- Anki subdecks are not used

- Anki subdecks are not used ([400](,

fix: anki subdecks are not used

fix: use anki subdecks

- Anki subdecks are not used ([404](,

fix: anki subdecks are not used

Fixes 396

tests: ensure ankiconnect gets correct subdecks

fix: extract all tags from markdown documents

fix: tag strings should not contain ""

fix: import all decks

feat: support arbitrary subdeck nesting

- Anki tags are not added

- Anki tags are not added ([398](,

fix: anki tags are not added

feat: implement


- Append \ to docker command

- Create a subdir, so it can never delete an existing dir

- Do not delete entire dir

- Extract all tags from markdown documents

- Import all decks

- Imports

- Inherit from protocol ([287](,

- Only update unique models

- Promptid to NoteID mapping

Fixes 284

- Qa uuid should include answer

Fixes 346

- Readme casing

- Release flow

Fixes 465

- Release flow

Fixes 465

- Release flow ([467](,

fix: release flow

Fixes 465

major: release to pypi

- Release to pypi ([475](,

- Smokestest

- Smokestest

- Smokestest

- Submit entire stack

- Tag strings should not contain ""

- Use anki subdecks

- Use answer when generating hash for QA

- Use answer when generating hash for QA

- Use correct id for remote sync

- Use invoke on devcontainer.json

- Use localhost for ANKICONNECT_URL if not on docker

- Use remote id for sync ([334](,


- Cleanup ([476](,

- Configure Renovate ([368](,

Fixes 260.

- **deps**: Update actions/checkout action to v4

- **deps**: Update actions/setup-python action to v5

- **deps**: Update actions/stale action to v9

- **deps**: Update dependency dev/pre-commit to v2.21.0

- **deps**: Update dependency dev/pre-commit to v3

- **deps**: Update dependency dev/pyright to v1.1.341

- **deps**: Update dependency dev/pyright to v1.1.342

- **deps**: Update dependency dev/pyright to v1.1.343

- **deps**: Update dependency dev/ruff to v0.1.8

- **deps**: Update dependency dev/ruff to v0.1.9

- **deps**: Update dependency genanki to v0.13.1

- **deps**: Update dependency pydantic to v2.5.3

- **deps**: Update dependency sentry-sdk to v1.39.1

- **deps**: Update dependency tests/diff-cover to v8.0.2

- **deps**: Update dependency tests/pytest to v7.4.3

- **deps**: Update dependency tests/pytest-xdist to v3.5.0

- **deps**: Update docker/login-action action to v3

- **deps**: Update python docker tag to v3.12


Bug Fixes

- Add mounts points for devcontainer

- Do not mount input dir on remote ([201](,


Build System

- Update dockerfile for new dir structure

Continuous Integration

- Add arm64 to deploy

- Fix integration tests with new path ([200](,


- Run docker publish independently of integration test

- Run type checks on application script as well

- Setup multiplatform conditions ([192](,

- Update docker build action


- Move cli to separate file


- Rename pipeline to not hit test

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