
Latest version: v23.8.0

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**Full Changelog**:


What’s Changed

⚠ Breaking Changes

- update feast op to handle feast 0.31 - latest jperez999 (344)
- Condense the `WorkflowRunner` sub-classes karlhigley (319)
- Convert Workflow outputs to Triton-friendly format using `TensorTable` bschifferer (317)
- Fix Tensorflow serving to make Merlin example tests pass again karlhigley (298)
- Switch from `__lengths` to `__offsets` for ragged list features karlhigley (296)

🐜 Bug Fixes

- Fix the code that aligns returned data with the output schema karlhigley (335)
- Convert Workflow outputs to Triton-friendly format using `TensorTable` bschifferer (317)
- Make minor adjustments to the way `Workflow` outputs are formatted karlhigley (314)
- Revert "Remove the Triton-specific Workflow execution code (309)" karlhigley (313)
- remove numpy conversion for cpu based data jperez999 (311)
- Fix `PredictTensorflow` args in session-based serving integration test karlhigley (310)
- Adjust `setup_faiss` to use `METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT` karlhigley (308)
- Remove the extra columns validation from `WorkflowRunner` karlhigley (303)
- Fix Tensorflow serving to make Merlin example tests pass again karlhigley (298)

πŸš€ Features

- update feast op to handle feast 0.31 - latest jperez999 (344)
- Support Ragged inputs and outputs in `TransformWorkflow` with Triton oliverholworthy (324)
- add AUTO kind for deployment of tritonserver and support no gpu environment jperez999 (321)
- Update `SoftmaxSampling` to support dynamic dtypes oliverholworthy (304)
- Add initial support and integration test for Merlin Models transformer models karlhigley (299)
- Fix Tensorflow serving to make Merlin example tests pass again karlhigley (298)

πŸ”§ Maintenance

- minor syntax fixes in integration tests nv-alaiacano (351)
- add test requirements to postmerge gpu nv-alaiacano (347)
- Send slack notification on failed GHA jobs nv-alaiacano (346)
- Include tracebacks in errors returned from failing requests karlhigley (343)
- Add workflows to check base branch and set stable branch oliverholworthy (341)
- Add GitHub Workflow to publish conda package oliverholworthy (340)
- Update tag pattern in GitHub Workflows oliverholworthy (342)
- Update feast test dependency from 0.19.4 to 0.18.1 oliverholworthy (339)
- Raise TritonModelException if the Triton model has an error oliverholworthy (333)
- Refactor tensor representation adjustments to align with a schema karlhigley (332)
- working embedding in systems ensemble jperez999 (329)
- working padding op in systems ensemble jperez999 (330)
- Support serving in container without `tensorflow`, `torch`, or `cudf` oliverholworthy (326)
- use concurrency setting to kill already-running jobs when new commits come in nv-alaiacano (327)
- Condense the `WorkflowRunner` sub-classes karlhigley (319)
- add AUTO kind for deployment of tritonserver and support no gpu environment jperez999 (321)
- Check offsets instead of `is_ragged` for ragged representation oliverholworthy (318)
- Use ragged names in workflow triton request if column is ragged oliverholworthy (315)
- Remove the Triton-specific Workflow execution code karlhigley (309)
- Downgrade unused columns error to a warning karlhigley (306)
- Remove `ensemble` specific code oliverholworthy (305)
- Minor fixes to post-merge test actions karlhigley (302)
- Set up pre- and post-merge CI test runs karlhigley (301)
- add detection swap for cpu based to numpy jperez999 (300)
- Switch from `__lengths` to `__offsets` for ragged list features karlhigley (296)
- Update default value of cpu to None in dataset fixture oliverholworthy (294)
- update conftest for backwards compat and new to parquet api jperez999 (297)
- Adjust Systems to use `TensorTable` and schema shapes karlhigley (293)


What’s Changed

⚠ Breaking Changes

- Remove unused legacy serving code karlhigley (265)

🐜 Bug Fixes

- Error propagation from tritonserver for nvtabular workflow jperez999 (277)
- Remove tf model from ensemble export jperez999 (289)
- Use row lengths instead of offsets in Triton input helper function oliverholworthy (285)
- increase triton fail time to 30 seconds each cycle jperez999 (284)

πŸš€ Features

- Return the original predicted scores from `SoftmaxSampling` karlhigley (290)
- Add error messages for NotImplementedError Exceptions jperez999 (280)

πŸ”§ Maintenance

- Error propagation from tritonserver for nvtabular workflow jperez999 (277)
- Update `compute_dims` function to use new shape property oliverholworthy (288)
- Replace `distutils.spawn` (deprecated) with `shutil.which` karlhigley (261)
- increase triton fail time to 30 seconds each cycle jperez999 (284)
- refactor out pipelineable inference operator jperez999 (279)
- Add error messages for NotImplementedError Exceptions jperez999 (280)
- throttling back systems triton call check. jperez999 (276)
- Run `lint` action with Python 3.8 karlhigley (283)
- Add Prettier YAML/Markdown formatter to the linters karlhigley (273)
- Minor fixes to the Github actions karlhigley (272)
- Apply Merlin dtypes to Systems code base karlhigley (239)
- add gcp label to Jenkinsfile AyodeAwe (267)
- Remove unused legacy serving code karlhigley (265)


What’s Changed

πŸš€ Features

- working local runtime fil ops jperez999 (245)
- detect when column is list of one argument per record jperez999 (251)
- Dictarray to and from df jperez999 (247)
- working local pytorch transform jperez999 (246)
- Nvt op runtime triton jperez999 (238)
- refactor for torch operator to triton specific jperez999 (241)
- update triton to allocate more cuda memory to pool size jperez999 (237)
- fil triton runtime operator created and loaded jperez999 (226)

πŸ“„ Documentation

- Address virtual dev review feedback mikemckiernan (250)
- Update API and add notebook mikemckiernan (242)

πŸ”§ Maintenance

- Remove use of `hf_format` and `training` params for PyTorch inference test oliverholworthy (236)
- add import or skip for torch tests jperez999 (244)
- update drafter to work on tags & update cpu ci to target branches jperez999 (235)
- fix container name and the link in the examples README rnyak (232)
- Add Jenkinsfile AyodeAwe (230)


What’s Changed

⚠ Breaking Changes

- Move Triton ensemble and executor export to runtime classes oliverholworthy (217)
- Rework Systems operators to use `DictArray` and `LocalExecutor` from Merlin Core karlhigley (204)

🐜 Bug Fixes

- add env variable to handle gpu memory allocation jperez999 (221)
- fix for faiss artifact path from config jperez999 (216)

πŸš€ Features

- Update Pytorch integration test based on schema changes in T4R oliverholworthy (220)

πŸ”§ Maintenance

- Refactor TensorFlow operator into base and Triton runtime operator oliverholworthy (219)
- add env variable to handle gpu memory allocation jperez999 (221)
- Add `transform` method to `Ensemble` oliverholworthy (218)
- Move Triton ensemble and executor export to runtime classes oliverholworthy (217)
- tensorflow import or skip required for tf_utils jperez999 (215)
- Rework Systems operators to use `DictArray` and `LocalExecutor` from Merlin Core karlhigley (204)
- Update example notebook tests to write to temp directory. oliverholworthy (214)
- Add `requests` dependency to base requirements oliverholworthy (213)
- Create a separate directory parallel to `unit` for version tests karlhigley (212)

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