- Pip wheel wasn't including .sh files for merlin examples
- The script in the openfoam_wf* examples will now create the missing Energy v Lidspeed plot
- Fixed the flags associated with the `stop-workers` command (--spec, --queues, --workers)
- Fixed the --step flag for the `run-workers` command
- Fixed most of the pylint errors that we're showing up when you ran `make check-style`
- Some errors have been disabled rather than fixed. These include:
- Any pylint errors in since it's deprecated now
- A "duplicate code" instance between a function in `` and a method in ``
- The function is explicitly not creating a MerlinStudy object so the code *must* be duplicate here
- Invalid-name (C0103): These errors typically relate to the names of short variables (i.e. naming files something like f or errors e)
- Unused-argument (W0613): These have been disabled for celery-related functions since celery *does* use these arguments behind the scenes
- Broad-exception (W0718): Pylint wants a more specific exception but sometimes it's ok to have a broad exception
- Import-outside-toplevel (C0415): Sometimes it's necessary for us to import inside a function. Where this is the case, these errors are disabled
- Too-many-statements (R0915): This is disabled for the `setup_argparse` function in `` since it's necessary to be big. It's disabled in `` and `` too until we can get around to refactoring some code there
- No-else-return (R1705): These are disabled in `` until we refactor the file
- Consider-using-with (R1732): Pylint wants us to consider using with for calls to or subprocess.Popen but it's not necessary
- Too-many-arguments (R0913): These are disabled for functions that I believe *need* to have several arguments
- Note: these could be fixed by using *args and **kwargs but it makes the code harder to follow so I'm opting to not do that
- Too-many-local-variables (R0914): These are disabled for functions that have a lot of variables
- It may be a good idea at some point to go through these and try to find ways to shorten the number of variables used or split the functions up
- Too-many-branches (R0912): These are disabled for certain functions that require a good amount of branching
- Might be able to fix this in the future if we split functions up more
- Too-few-public-methods (R0903): These are disabled for classes we may add to in the future or "wrapper" classes
- Attribute-defined-outside-init (W0201): These errors are only disabled in `` as they occur in class methods so init() won't be called
- Fixed an issue where the walltime value in the batch block was being converted to an integer instead of remaining in HH:MM:SS format
- Now loads np.arrays of dtype='object', allowing mix-type sample npy
- Added a singularity container openfoam_wf example
- Added flux native worker launch support
- Added PBS flux launch support
- Added check_for_flux, check_for_slurm, check_for_lsf, and check_for_pbs utility functions
- Tests for the `stop-workers` command
- A function in `` to check that an integration test definition is formatted correctly
- A new dev_workflow example `multiple_workers.yaml` that's used for testing the `stop-workers` command
- Ability to start 2 subprocesses for a single test
- Added the --distributed and --display-tests flags to
- --distributed: only run distributed tests
- --display-tests: displays a table of all existing tests and the id associated with each test
- Added the --disable-logs flag to the `run-workers` command
- Merlin will now assign `default_worker` to any step not associated with a worker
- Added `get_step_worker_map()` as a method in ``
- Added `tabulate_info()` function in `` to help with table formatting
- Added get_flux_alloc function for new flux version >= 0.48.x interface change
- New flags to the `query-workers` command
- `--queues`: query workers based on the queues they're associated with
- `--workers`: query workers based on a regex of the names you're looking for
- `--spec`: query workers based on the workers defined in a spec file
- Changed celery_regex to celery_slurm_regex in
- Reformatted how integration tests are defined and part of how they run
- Test values are now dictionaries rather than tuples
- Stopped using `subprocess.Popen()` and `subprocess.communicate()` to run tests and now instead use `` for simplicity and to keep things up-to-date with the latest subprocess release (`run()` will call `Popen()` and `communicate()` under the hood so we don't have to handle that anymore)
- Rewrote the README in the integration tests folder to explain the new integration test format
- Reformatted `start_celery_workers()` in `` file. This involved:
- Modifying `verify_args()` to return the arguments it verifies/updates
- Changing `launch_celery_worker()` to launch the subprocess (no longer builds the celery command)
- Creating `get_celery_cmd()` to do what `launch_celery_worker()` used to do and build the celery command to run
- Creating `_get_steps_to_start()`, `_create_kwargs()`, and `_get_workers_to_start()` as helper functions to simplify logic in `start_celery_workers()`
- Modified the `merlinspec.json` file:
- the minimum `gpus per task` is now 0 instead of 1
- variables defined in the `env` block of a spec file can now be arrays
- Refactored ``:
- Merged 4 functions (`check_for_slurm`, `check_for_lsf`, `check_for_flux`, and `check_for_pbs`) into 1 function named `check_for_scheduler`
- Modified `get_batch_type` to accommodate this change
- Added a function `parse_batch_block` to handle all the logic of reading in the batch block and storing it in one dict
- Added a function `get_flux_launch` to help decrease the amount of logic taking place in `batch_worker_launch`
- Modified `batch_worker_launch` to use the new `parse_batch_block` function
- Added a function `construct_scheduler_legend` to build a dict that keeps as much information as we need about each scheduler stored in one place
- Cleaned up the `construct_worker_launch_command` function to utilize the newly added functions and decrease the amount of repeated code
- Changed get_flux_cmd for new flux version >=0.48.x interface
- The `query-workers` command now prints a table as its' output
- Each row of the `Workers` column has the name of an active worker
- Each row of the `Queues` column has a list of queues associated with the active worker