* Mesh2Input:
* MaterialAssignment.py: A Python script that can be loaded into Blender to center the head mesh in the coordinate system
* MeshCentering.py: A Python script that can be loaded into Blender to automatically assign the materials 'Skin', 'Left ear', and 'Right ear'
* export_mesh2hrtf.py: Bug fix to correctly export data for calculating the left ear, right ear and both ears.
* EvaluationGrids (Matlab):
* Arbitrary user defined spatial grids can now be generated (see the code in demo.m)
* 'User' in 'Mesh2Input/Data/Evaluation Grids' renamed to 'Custom' because 'User' is a reserved variable in Blender/Python
* Evaluation grids can be plotted with the Matlab code
* NumCalc: MS VS Solution added to compile NumCalc on Windows.
* Output2HRTF:
* Output2HRTF_Main.m: Added optional referencing of HRTFs if calculated reciprocally to achieve that the low frequency magnitude of the HRTFs is 0 dB. This is done by dividing the complex pressure by the area of the ear elements (radiating element), compensating for the velocity of the radiating element, and by a division of the complex pressure with the pressure of a point source in the origin of coordinates. (export_mesh2hrtf.py writes the area of the radiating elements, and the flag for referencing to Output2HRTF.m)
* Output2HRTF_Main.m: Big fix to correctly export SOFA files with data for the left ear, right ear, and both ears.
* Mesh-grading tool moved to Mesh2Input