Modified - use `imagej=False` when saving tiff files, see 78
New - Import `.isxd` movies aquired by inscopix acquisition software (requires python>=3.8) - Import freehand & circular ImageJ ROIs
Fixed - Fix sampling rate calculation for OME meta data import
New - Import OME XML meta data stored in tiff files
Fixed - fix 55, don't move logfiles to zipfile in windows - bugfix 88edbd342ce8e2698ca0087553082e568e7132c2 so custom modules are imported properly - use latest `pandas` required by latest `pynwb` and latest `hdmf` due to `numpy` 1.20,
Fixed - bug in `mesmerize.__main__` where old logfiles weren't being moved into zipfile - memmaps can't be removed on Windows (see 54), temporary fix added for CNMFE (already exists for other caiman modules)
New - Allow installation on python >3.6 - Logger outputs all stdout and tracebacks for exceptions to logfiles
Modified - `present_exception()` windows print traceback in a scrollable box - args to `mesmerize.__main__` are now handled using `click` instead of `sys.argv` - use `webgl` backend for bokeh datapoint tracer's image viewer - continued work on bokeh-based plots, continued work on displaying ROIs in bokeh datapoint tracer - StimulusExtraction flowchart node gives informative messages if there are issues with samples
Fixed - matplotlib-related bugfix when opening CNMFE batch items - mcorr projections bugfix when comparing <3 batch items - bugfix when opening saved stim tuning plots