this is being held for an update to the `requests` library
* made the following arguments to `MetadataParser.fetch_url()` default to None - which will then default to the class setting. they are all passed-through to `requests.get`
** `ssl_verify`
** `allow_redirects`
** `requests_timeout`
* removed `force_parse` kwarg from `MetadataParser.parser`
* added 'metadata_parser.RedirectDetected' class. if allow_redirects is False, a detected redirect will raise this.
* added 'metadata_parser.NotParsableRedirect' class. if allow_redirects is False, a detected redirect will raise this if missing a Location.
* added `requests_session` argument to `MetadataParser`
* starting to use httpbin for some tests
* detecting JSON documents
* extended NotParseable exceptions with the MetadataParser instance as `metadataParser`
* added `only_parse_http_ok` which defaults to True (legacy). submitting False will allow non-http200 responses to be parsed.
* shuffled `fetch_url` logic around. it will now process more data before a potential error.
* working on support for custom request sessions that can better handle redirects (requires patch or future version of requests)
* caching the peername onto the response object as `_mp_peername` [ _m(etadata)p(arser)_peername ]. this will allow it to be calculated in a redirect session hook. (see tests/
* added `defer_fetch` argument to `MetadataParser.__init__`, default ``False``. If ``True``, this will overwrite the instance's `deferred_fetch` method to actually fetch the url. this strategy allows for the `page` to be defined and response history caught. Under this situation, a 301 redirecting to a 500 can be observed; in the previous versions only the 500 would be caught.
* starting to encapsulate everything into a "parsed result" class
* fixed opengraph minimum check
* added `MetadataParser.is_redirect_unique`
* added `DummyResponse.history`