- better parameters naming
- pass additional ``notify()`` function to wrappers
- updated documentation
-*- mode: makefile-gmake; coding: utf-8 -*-
:Project: metapensiero.signal -- A event framework that is asyncio aware
:Created: dom 09 ago 2015 12:57:35 CEST
:Author: Alberto Berti <albertometapensiero.it>
:License: GNU General Public License version 3 or later
:Copyright: Copyright (C) 2015 Alberto Berti
PYTHON := $(BINDIR)python
BUMPER := $(BINDIR)bump_version
VERSION_TXT := version.txt
VERSION = $(shell cat $(VERSION_TXT))
printf "\nRelease management\n"
printf "==================\n\n"
.PHONY: assert-clean-tree
(test -z "$(shell git status -s --untracked=no)" || \
(echo "UNCOMMITTED STAFF" && false))
.PHONY: assert-master-branch
(test "$(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" = "master" || \
(echo "NOT IN MASTER BRANCH" && false))
printf "release\n\tBump version number\n"
.PHONY: release
release: assert-master-branch assert-clean-tree
$(BUMPER) --field minor $(VERSION_TXT)
echo ">>>"
echo ">>> Do your duties (update CHANGES.rst for example), then"
echo ">>> execute “make tag-release”."
echo ">>>"
printf "tag-release\n\tComplete the release tagging the working tree\n"
.PHONY: tag-release
tag-release: assert-master-branch
git commit -a -m "Release $(VERSION)"
git tag -a -m "Version $(VERSION)" v$(VERSION)
.PHONY: test-readme+changes-markup
[ `(cat README.rst; echo; cat CHANGES.rst) \
| rst2html.py 2>&1 >/dev/null \
| wc -l` -eq 0 ] \
|| (echo "ERROR: README+CHANGES rst markup check failed!"; exit 1)
fgrep -qi unreleased CHANGES.rst \
&& (echo "ERROR: release date not set in CHANGES.rst"; exit 1) \
|| true
printf "pypi-upload\n\tUpload the source distribution to PyPI\n"
.PHONY: pypi-upload
pypi-upload: assert-master-branch assert-clean-tree
$(PYTHON) setup.py sdist upload
printf "publish\n\tUpload to PyPI, push changes and tags to the remote repo\n"
.PHONY: publish
publish: pypi-upload
git push
git push --tags