
Latest version: v4.1.1

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New features
* [MetaPhlAn] The new `--subsampling` parameter allows reads' subsampling on the flight
* [MetaPhlAn] The new `--subsampling_seed` parameter enables a deterministic or randomized subsampling of the reads
* [MetaPhlAn] The new `--gtdb_profiles` of the `` allows the merge of GTDB-based MetaPhlAn profiles
* [StrainPhlAn] The new `--breadth_thres` parameter allows StrainPhlAn to filter the consensus markers sequences after the execution of ``
* [StrainPhlAn] Interactive selection of the available SGBs when the clade is specified at the species level
* [StrainPhlAn] The new `--non_interactive` parameter disables user interaction when running StrainPhlAn
* [StrainPhlAn] The new `--abs_n_markers_thres` and `--abs_n_samples_thres` parameters enables the specification of the samples/markers filtering thresholds in absolute numbers
* [StrainPhlAn] The new `--treeshrink` parameter enables StrainPhlAn to run TreeShrink for outlier removal in the tree
* [StrainPhlAn] Addition of the `VallesColomerM_2022_Jan21_thresholds.tsv` for compatibility with the mpa_vJan21 database
* [StrainPhlAn] The new `--clades` parameter enables `` to restrict the reconstruction of markers to the specified clades

Changed features
* [StrainPhlAn] The `-c` parameter of the `` script now allows the specification of multiple clades
* [StrainPhlAn] The `--print_clades_only` parameter now produces an output `print_clades_only.tsv` report
* [StrainPhlAn] Compatibility with clade markers compressed in bz2 format
* [StrainPhlAn] The `` script now uses by the default the `VallesColomerM_2022_Jan21_thresholds.tsv` thresholds
* [MetaPhlAn] `` and `hclust2` have been added to the bioconda recipe



New features
* [MetaPhlAn] The new `--offline` parameter stops MetaPhlAn from automatically checking for updates
Changed features
* [StrainPhlAn] Improved StrainPhlAn's gaps management with the newest version of PhyloPhlAn (version 3.0.3)
* [StrainPhlAn] Improved set of colors for the ` script`
* [MetaPhlAn] Fixes `KeyError: 't'` error when running MetaPhlAn with the `--CAMI_format_output` parameter



Database updates
* Adoption of the species-level genome bins system (SGBs)
* New MetaPhlAn marker genes extracted identified from ~1M microbial genomes
* Ability to profile 21,978 known (kSGBs) and 4,992 unknown (uSGBs) microbial species
* Better representation of, not only the human gut microbiome but also many other animal and ecological environments
New features
* [MetaPhlAn] Compatibility with MetaPhlAn 3 databases with parameter `--mpa3`
Changed features
* [MetaPhlAn] Estimation of metagenome composed by microbes not included in the database with parameter `--unclassified_estimation`



Database updates
* 433 low-quality species were removed from the MetaPhlAn 3.1 marker database and 2,680 species were added (for a new total of 15,766; a 17% increase)
* Marker genes for a subset of existing bioBakery 3 species were also revised
* Most existing bioBakery 3 species pangenomes were updated with revised or expanded gene content
Changed features
* [MetaPhlAn] MetaPhlAn 3.1 software has been updated to work with revised marker database



* New MetaPhlAn marker genes extracted with a newer version of ChocoPhlAn based on UniRef
* Estimation of metagenome composed by unknown microbes with parameter `--unknown_estimation`
* Automatic retrieval and installation of the latest MetaPhlAn database with parameter `--index latest`
* Virus profiling with `--add_viruses`
* Calculation of metagenome size for improved estimation of reads mapped to a given clade
* Inclusion of NCBI taxonomy ID in the ouput file
* CAMI (Taxonomic) Profiling Output Format included
* Removal of reads with low MAPQ values


- added option "marker_counts" (by Nicola)

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