
Latest version: v2.0.17

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New Features:
- Builder: The reference is now compressed using bgzip, consistent with our catalog listings. This enhancement ensures efficient storage and compatibility across tools.
- Catalogues: We have standardized the annotation format and enhanced usage with the Feather format. Additionally, the Resfinder and ResfinderFG databases are now fully integrated and available for use.
- Mapping: Meteor now provides more detailed and informative outputs regarding the counts, offering users better insights into the mapping process.
- Strain Analysis: Our strain analysis parameters have been further optimized, and multiprocessing has been enabled for enhanced performance and faster analysis.
- Tree Computation: Multiprocessing support is now active, allowing for quicker and more efficient tree computations.

Bug Fixes:
This release also includes multiple bug fixes, improving stability and performance across different functionalities.


We have improved the stability of the strain analysis.


We have completely revised the strain analysis. Meteor is now based on freebayes.
Several dependencies have been removed: raxml and bcftools.


What's Changed
* Fix tree path list by fthirion89 in

New Contributors
* fthirion89 made their first contribution in

**Full Changelog**:


- Fix strain analysis for some catalogues
- Enhanced Mutation Rate Analysis
- Extend testing coverage
- Solving Malfunctioning Strains with some microbial catalogs
- Activate GBM analysis
- Introducing automode for Rapid and Normal Analysis
- Tests covers 92% of the code


What's Changed
* Fixed meteor merge issues.
* Improve phylogenetical distance calculculation between strains
* Improve memory efficiency
* Improve version checking of third-party software by fplazaonate

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