
Latest version: v0.206.0

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Breaking Changes

- Remove unsupported legacy MetricFlowClient APIs ([1094](
- Move MetricFlow CLI to dbt-metricflow package ([1090](


- Allow metrics in filters for metrics and metric queries. ([740](
- Enable metric filters for distinct values queries. ([1107](
- List all dimensions for the semantic manifest. ([1142](
- Add a Dependency Resolver for Saved Queries ([1155](
- Add support for Python 3.12 ([1065](
- Update `dbt-metricflow` dependencies to use `dbt*` 1.8 packages ([1243](


- Enable filtering by metrics in the same semantic model as queried metrics. ([1115](
- Improve error messages for dataflow plan failures. ([1118](
- Remove redundant entity names like 'listing__listing' from suggested group bys. ([1130](
- For metrics that join to time spine, apply post-join filters only for specs that are in the group by. ([1119](

Under the Hood

- Clean up files included in MetricFlow package distribution ([1092](
- Move MetricFlow tests to repository root ([1088](
- Create `metricflow-semantics` package. ([1150](
- Make source semantic models available from DataflowPlanNode instances ([1218](
- Cache functions related to parsing group by options in order to improve query performance. ([1229](


- Update Ruff to 0.3.3 ([769](
- Update dbt-semantic-interfaces minimum version to 0.5.1 ([1104](

- [courtneyholcomb]( ([#740](, [#1107](, [#1142](, [#1115](, [#1118](, [#1130](, [#1119](, [#1229](
- [plypaul]( ([#1155](, [#1065](, [#1243](, [#1150](
- [tlento]( ([#1094](, [#1090](, [#1092](, [#1088](, [#1218](, [#769](, [#1104](


Breaking Changes

- Remove SQL-Comment-Based Tags ([1034](


- Enable querying metric_time without metrics. ([928](
- Enable querying cumulative metrics with their agg_time_dimension. ([1000](
- Enable offset metrics to be queried with agg_time_dimension. ([1006](
- Add Support for Consistent SQL Query Generation ([1020](


- Validate that there are metrics or group by items in each query. ([1002](
- For measures that join to time spine, allow joining when agg_time_dimension is queried. ([1009](
- Join to time spine if requested for conversion metric input measures. ([1048](
- Enable querying offset metric with multiple agg_time_dimensions at once. Also fixes a bug when filtering by a different grain than the group by grain. ([1052](, [#1053](
- Bug fix: if measure joins to time spine, apply filters again after that join. ([1039](
- Improve error message for metrics/queries with missing inputs ([1051](


- change group-bys to group-by in the tutorial message

Under the Hood

- Add test for nested derived metric filter rendering bug fixed in 0.204.0 ([920](


- Remove unused numpy dependency ([984](
- Update Jinja2 past 3.1.3 to resolve CVE-2024-22195 ([1049](

- [batou9150](
- [courtneyholcomb]( ([#928](, [#1000](, [#1006](, [#1002](, [#1009](, [#1048](, [#1052](, [#1053](, [#1039](
- [plypaul]( ([#1034](, [#1020](
- [tlento]( ([#1051](, [#920](, [#984](, [#1049](



- Add Trino support to the MetricFlow. ([207](
- Implemented date_part in where filter. ([None](
- Resolve Ambiguous Group-By-Items ([887](
- Support for Conversion Metrics ([252](
- Add a Query Validation Rule for Repeated Metrics in a Query ([943](
- Expose label on Metric & Dimension for use in APIs. ([956](


- Apply time offset for nested dervied & ratio metrics ([882](
- Fix Incorrect SQL Column Name Rendering for WhereConstraintNode ([908](
- `Unable To Satisfy Query Error` with Cumulative Metrics in Saved Queries ([917](
- Fixes a bug in dimension-only queries where the filter column is removed before the filter has been applied. ([923](
- Bug fix: Keep where constraint column until used for nested derived offset metric queries. ([930](
- Fixes incorrect time constraint applied to derived offset metrics. ([925](
- Remove default time constraint for queries with cumulative metrics. ([917](
- Return exit code 1 for failed validations ([867](
- Optimizer Does Not Deduplicate Common Metrics ([941](
- Duplicate input measures after combiner optimizer ([969](

Under the Hood

- Test to ensure Dimension and TimeDimension syntax are identical in the case of time dimensions
- Fixed typo in error message


- Remove unnecessary MarkupSafe dependency ([950](

- [DevonFulcher](
- [WilliamDee]( ([#252](, [#867](, [#969](
- [courtneyholcomb]( ([#956](, [#882](, [#923](, [#930](, [#925](
- [plypaul]( ([#887](, [#943](, [#908](, [#917](, [#917](, [#941](
- [sarbmeetka]( ([#207](
- [tlento]( ([#950](



- Fix error in cumulative metric output when start-time and end-time are specified ([869](


- Remove Rudderstack client and associated dependencies ([866](
- Relax version pin on typing extensions to allow >=4.4, <5 ([875](

- [tlento]( ([#869](, [#866](, [#875](


Breaking Changes

- Use FULL OUTER JOIN to combine input metrics for derived metrics. This is a change from using INNER JOIN and may result in changes in output. ([842](
- Update Dependencies to Use `dbt-semantic-interfaces~=0.4.0` ([846](


- Enable DATE PART aggregation for time dimensions ([770](
- Support Saved Queries in MetricFlow ([765](
- Support for sort order in query interface ([None](
- Support for the Dimension(...).grain(...) syntax for the where parameter ([None](
- Support querying dimensions without metrics. ([804](
- Join to time spine and fill nulls when requested on metric input measures. ([759](
- Fill nulls for multi-metric queries ([850](


- Removing methods and reordering parameters for Query Interface. ([None](
- Coerce time granularity to configured value to prevent finer-grained timestamps from causing unexpected query behavior ([714](
- Prioritize source nodes based on correct cost ([801](
- Enables case insensitivity for various query params. ([802](
- Ensure extract calls return consistent results across engines ([792](
- The --order param was being dropped from CLI saved queries. ([835](
- Fix query validation for metric_time requirements ([825](
- Use FULL OUTER JOIN for dimension-only queries. ([863](

Under the Hood

- A simple update to make the where filter query parameter objects more accurate ([None](
- Expose underlying where clause error message ([None](
- Remove query interface and depend on DSI protocol instead ([None](
- re-categorize `TypeErrors` that arise from `create_from_where_filter` into `InvalidQueryException` ([None](
- Add the ability to use distinct select in sql nodes ([None](
- Removed DatePart Enum and change imports to depend on DSI version instead. ([None](


- Update to dbt-semantic-interfaces~=0.3.0. ([809](
- Update typing-extensions minimum version to 4.4 ([823](
- Update dbt dependencies to ~=1.7.0 ([860](

- [DevonFulcher]( (closed issue list unavailable)
- [WilliamDee]( (closed issue list unavailable)
- [courtneyholcomb]( ([#842](, [#770](, [#804](, [#759](, [#850](, [#801](, [#802](, [#835](, [#863](
- [plypaul]( ([#846](, [#765](, [#809](
- [tlento]( ([#714](, [#792](, [#825](, [#823](, [#860](



- Adds the option for users to specify group by parameters with object syntax matching the where/filter expressions. ([717](
- Expose measures for metrics on MFEngine with agg_time_dimension ([735](


- Update dataflow plan to support different granularities with time offset metrics ([726](
- Removes unneeded JoinOverTimeRangeNode step from dataflow plan. ([743](
- Update BigQuery YEAR granularity truncation to use January 1st instead of ISOYEAR start ([755](


- Allow tabulate versions >= 0.8.9 ([762](

- [DevonFulcher]( ([#717](
- [courtneyholcomb]( ([#735](, [#726](, [#743](
- [tlento]( ([#755](, [#762](

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