Breaking Changes
- Remove unsupported legacy MetricFlowClient APIs ([1094](
- Move MetricFlow CLI to dbt-metricflow package ([1090](
- Allow metrics in filters for metrics and metric queries. ([740](
- Enable metric filters for distinct values queries. ([1107](
- List all dimensions for the semantic manifest. ([1142](
- Add a Dependency Resolver for Saved Queries ([1155](
- Add support for Python 3.12 ([1065](
- Update `dbt-metricflow` dependencies to use `dbt*` 1.8 packages ([1243](
- Enable filtering by metrics in the same semantic model as queried metrics. ([1115](
- Improve error messages for dataflow plan failures. ([1118](
- Remove redundant entity names like 'listing__listing' from suggested group bys. ([1130](
- For metrics that join to time spine, apply post-join filters only for specs that are in the group by. ([1119](
Under the Hood
- Clean up files included in MetricFlow package distribution ([1092](
- Move MetricFlow tests to repository root ([1088](
- Create `metricflow-semantics` package. ([1150](
- Make source semantic models available from DataflowPlanNode instances ([1218](
- Cache functions related to parsing group by options in order to improve query performance. ([1229](
- Update Ruff to 0.3.3 ([769](
- Update dbt-semantic-interfaces minimum version to 0.5.1 ([1104](
- [courtneyholcomb]( ([#740](, [#1107](, [#1142](, [#1115](, [#1118](, [#1130](, [#1119](, [#1229](
- [plypaul]( ([#1155](, [#1065](, [#1243](, [#1150](
- [tlento]( ([#1094](, [#1090](, [#1092](, [#1088](, [#1218](, [#769](, [#1104](