- New `contain` module for calculating the proportion of alleles from one sample present in another sample (see 41).
- New `--dry-run` mode for `sim` and `mixture` modules (see 41).
- New `prob` module for calculating likelihood ratio tests based on the random match probability (see 43).
- New `seq` module focused entirely on sequencing samples where profiles have already been simulated (see 45).
- New `mix` module for merging simulated profiles into a simulated mixture sample profile (see 45).
- New `unite` module for "mating" two profiles to create a simulated "offspring" profile (see 47).
- New `diff` modfule for showing the differences between two profiles (see 58, 60).
- Huge refactoring effort to accommodate for recent changes to MicroHapDB's Python API (see 66).
- The `sim` module no longer performs simulated sequencing (now handled by new `seq` module) and instead focuses entirely on haplotype simulation (see 45).
- The `type` module now dynamically selects either an automatic threshold or a fixed threshold based on effective coverage (see 51, 61).
- Moved simulation scripts to notebook directory, reimplemented as a Snakemake workflow (see 50, 57, 59).
- Corrected a bug in the USA panel code ensuring that all loci have allele frequency data for all relevant populations (see 56).
- Corrected a problem with the `contrib` API that prevented it from working directly on `Profile` objects (see 70).
- Dropped the `mixture` module, whose functionality is now covered by the more granular `sim`, `mix`, and `seq` modules (see 45).
- Dropped the `LocusContext` class in favor of MicroHapDB's `TargetAmplicon` class designed for a similar purpose (see 67).