- createstubs.py
- fix for micropython v1.16
- skip _test modules in module list
- black formatting
- addition of __init__ methods ( based on runtime / static)
- class method decorator
- additional type information for constants using comment style typing
- detect if running on MicroPython or CPython
- improve report formatting to list each module on a separate line to allow for better comparison
- workflows
- move to ubuntu 20.04
- move to test/tools/ubuntu_20_04/micropython_v1.xx
- run more tests in GHA
- postprocessing
- minification adjusted to work with `black`
- use `mypy.stubgen`
- run per folder
- verify 1:1 relation .py-.pyi
- run `mypy.stubgen` to generate missing .pyi files
- publish test results to GH
- develop / repo setup
- updated dev requirements (requirements-dev.txt)
- enable developing on [GitHub codespaces](https://github.com/codespaces)
- switched to using submodules to remove external dependencies
how to clone :
`git submodule init`
`git submodule update`
- added black configuration file to avoid running black on minified version
- switched to using .venv on all platforms
- added and improved tests
- test coverage increased to 82%
- move to test/tools/ubuntu_20_04/micropython_v1.xx
- for test (git workflows)
- for tasks
- make use of CPYTHON stubs to alle makestubs to run well on CPYTHON
- allows pytest, and debugging of tests
- add tasks to :
- run createstubs in linux version
[remote_stubber]: ./65_scripts.mdremote_stubber.ps1