
Latest version: v1.0.0

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- Updated documentation;
- Wrote the actual README, DATA and APPLYING (which corresponds to the current version).

- Implemented Processes (an abstract concept that appears to be a new functionality):
- Added new entry types:
- empty (available[^available]);
- resolved (available[^available]);
- unresolved (available[^available]);
- initiation (hidden[^hidden]; auto[^auto]);
- achievement (hidden[^hidden]; manual[^manual]);
- milestone (hidden[^hidden]; manual[^manual]);
- ~~progress~~ ->
- indefinite_progress (hidden[^hidden]; auto[^auto]);
- definite_progress (hidden[^hidden]; auto[^auto]);
- success (available[^available]) -> (hidden[^hidden]; auto[^auto]);
- fail (available[^available]) -> (hidden[^hidden]; auto[^auto]);
- Added new *control* methods:
- `Logger.start_indefinite_process()` - starts an indefinite Process;
- `Logger.start_definite_process()` - starts a definite Process;
- `Logger.progress_rise()` - sets the percentage of completion of the Process;
- `Logger.note_process()` - adds an entry to the Process;
- `Logger.stop_process()` - terminates the Process;
- Added animations for Processes;
- Added enum `TypesEntries` for `Logger.note_process()`;
- Added extraction of strings from the buffer by the `pop()` method;
- Beautifully decorated the code in the Logger class;
- Expanded icon set (for new entries).

[^available]: Can be used not only in Processes, but also in a regular Logger

[^hidden]: Can only be used in Processes, cannot call an entry from the Logger

[^auto]: Available only to Logger

[^manual]: Available to the programmer



Bug Fixes:
- Fixed TypeError in the `message()` method (because its name began to intersect with the setting responsible for displaying the message entry);
- A bug of possible unpredictable behavior of the Logger has been fixed, since when creating the second object, a link to the existing one is returned, but `__init__()` is still called, and in case of switching to HTML format or changing other settings, unexpected behavior of the program could occur (just re-initialization of the class was excluded);
- Fixed a bug in the `save()` method of the `TextBufferType` class and inherited classes: the fact is that `TextBuffer` overrides the method with the addition of the `clean` argument, which is not in the parent abstract `TextBufferType` class - now it (the argument) is defined in all classes;
- Fixed a bug when the buffer is created in advance: now there is a check if the buffer object exists; if it exists, the link is saved to the logger and a log is written that the buffer is borrowed, otherwise a new buffer is created.

- Updated documentation;
- Wrote the actual README, DATA and APPLYING (which corresponds to the current version).

- Added a new `ReCreationException` that is thrown when an object of a class inherited from `Singleton` is re-created;
- The settings system has been completely changed.

- Renamed the repository to `mighty_logger`;
- Translated the names of the entering methods from the Upper case format to the Lower case format.



The library implements the formation of a beautifully formatted colored text, similar to a log, which has all the necessary information:
- Logging time;
- Name of device and profile that logged;
- Log status;
- Description of the log status;
- Log type;
- Log message.

Any information to the output can be turned off (according to the standard, everything is included). It is also possible to change the output settings during the logging process. It is possible to change colors (class `PickerModifierQ`).

*!!!ATTEMPTION!!! At the moment, logging is implemented only in the form of HTML code for QTextBrowser for PyQt, since quite often I need to output the log not to the console, but to the program and save it to a file, including saving colors. Therefore, in this version, output to the console is not implemented, but only in QTextBrowser, however, in the next versions, a lot of functionality will be implemented for easy and convenient logging!*



Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug in the line builder in the PLAIN environment when processing the addition of the `STATUS: ` line - it was simply forgotten to remove the check for the removed condition.

- Moved the documentation from the code to the Web docs (now there is no documentation in the code, except for the `simple_logger` module);
- README, APPLYING and DATA have been rewritten in INDEX, HOW TO USE and DATA;
- Rewrote the entire CHANGELOG to the new standard;
- Completed Web docs.

- Added `text_buffer` property to `TextBufferType`;
- Added `settings` and `buffer` properties to `MightyLogger`;
- Replaced the `might()` method with the `might` property in `Logger`;
- Moved modules from `lib_types_collection` package to `src`;
- Arguments `program_name` and `log_environment` in `MightyLogger` are now required;
- Added redefinition of new operators in Text Buffers: `<` and `>`;
- Changed the behavior of old operators:
- `<` adds a string to the end of the file;
- `>` extracts a string at the given number;
- `<<` loads the Buffer from a file;
- `>>` saves the Buffer to a file.

- Removed package `lib_types_collection`.

- `MightyLogger`, `BasicTextBuffer` and `TextBuffer` are now available outside the library again.

- Part of the checks in the Text Buffer moved from save/load methods to the constructor to immediately detect a mismatch between the type of environment and the type of Buffer, which leads to optimization of saving/loading and eliminating unexpected behavior when it is possible to use the Buffer with the wrong environment.



- Updated annotation of modules and packages.

- Completed the `LogEnvironments` format and usage;
- Accounted for environment in the `set_color()` function in the Logger class.

- Removed `LoggerQ` class and html_colored_logger.py module;
- Removed the empty qt_colored_logger.logger package.

- Optimized the Logger class.

- The `TextBufferBase` class has been moved to the `qt_colored_logger.basic` package in the new text_buffer_type.py module and renamed to `TextBufferType`;
- The colored_logger.py module has been renamed to powerful_logger.py and moved to the library root;
- Renamed the library to `mighty_logger`.



- Split README, cutting DATA and APPLYING out of it;
- Published a plan for the next updates in README;
- Updated documentation;
- Wrote the actual README, DATA and APPLYING (which corresponds to the current version).

- Added a package `qt_colored_logger.text`;
- Added `TextBuffer` (used for console) and `BasicTextBuffer` (used with HTML) to `qt_colored_logger.text` package;
- Loggers moved from `qt_colored_logger` root package to nested `qt_colored_logger.logger`;
- Entry methods rewritten - now they do not return strings of entries, but add them to the text buffer;
- Returned protected modules, making them fully available;
- Added blanks for the next updates;
- Reworked the principle of forming strings of entries in the `BasicLogger`, getting rid of the string variable;
- Added `get_buffer()` method in loggers.


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