What's Changed * Support single precision. Closes 281 by ecomodeller in https://github.com/DHI/mikeio/pull/282 * Added warning as preparation for MIKE IO 1.0 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/DHI/mikeio/compare/v0.12.1...v0.12.2
What's Changed * Generic concatenation, keep first or last by clemenscremer in https://github.com/DHI/mikeio/pull/276
New Contributors 🚀 🎉 * clemenscremer made their first contribution in https://github.com/DHI/mikeio/pull/276
The only change in this minor release removes the dependency on an alpha version of mikecore.
What's Changed * Read spectral dfsu by jsmariegaard in https://github.com/DHI/mikeio/pull/265 * Support Python 3.10 by ecomodeller in https://github.com/DHI/mikeio/pull/262 * Add Dfs2 x0 y0 properties by jsmariegaard in https://github.com/DHI/mikeio/pull/264 * Dfs2 plot support single item dataset by ecomodeller in https://github.com/DHI/mikeio/pull/268 * Deprecation cycle by ecomodeller in https://github.com/DHI/mikeio/pull/267