**New features**
- Vector deletion
Added support to delete one or multiple vectors. If you performed vector deletion on a collection, later search operations for this collection are limited to part of the index types, including FLAT, IVFLAT, IVFSQ8, etc. Milvus is planned to support other index types in the upcoming versions.861
- Get vector by ID
Added support to get vector data by ID. 861
- Flush and compact
Added support to flushing and compaction. You can configure flushing at an interval or manual flushing to avoid data loss. If some vectors are deleted from a segment, the space taken by the deleted vectors cannot be released automatically. You can compact segments in a collection to release space. 861 1426
- Change Milvus server configurations during runtime
Added support to update Milvus server configurations during runtime. You can use Milvus clients to update the parameters. Changes to some parameters take effect immediately without restarting Milvus. 665
- Write-Ahead logging (WAL)
Added support for WAL, which significantly improves the reliability of data operations. You can configure WAL settings in the Milvus server configuration file (server_config.yaml). 830
Added RESTful API. Refer to RESTful API Readme for more information.
- Go SDK
Added Go SDK. Refer to https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus-sdk-go for more information.
- HNSW index support
Added support for HNSW index type. Refer to Efficient and robust approximate nearest neighbor search using Hierarchical Navigable Small World graphs for more information about HNSW. 853
- Jaccard/Hamming/Tanimoto distance support
Added support for Jaccard distance, Hamming distance, and Tanimoto distance. 823
- Pushgateway support in Prometheus
Added support for Pushgateway in Prometheus. Pushgateway makes it possible for short-lived, batch metrics to be acquired by Prometheus. 813
- AVX 512
Added support for AVX 512 instruction set. Milvus theoretically supports all CPUs with AVX 512. 1122
- Interface updates for index creation and vector search
Starting from Milvus 0.7.0, part of the Milvus client parameters for index creation and vector search use JSON strings as values.
- Milvus server configuration file updates
Starting from Milvus 0.7.0, the Milvus server configuration file (server_config.yaml) is updated to 0.2 with parameter changes.
- Term updates
Starting from Milvus 0.7.0, Table is named as Collection in Milvus.
**Bug fixes**
- Resolved the issue that duplicate IDs may be generated when inserting vector data using auto-generated IDs. 1508