- Added method ``to_pickle()``, ``to_json()`` and ``to_csv()`` for ``schema.Schema``.
- Significantly improved performance of ``shortcuts.romanize()``
- Use ``random.choices()`` to generate random strings instead of ``random.choice()`` for selecting individual characters. This can lead to a significant speed up, but will also change the reproducibility of values when upgrading to this version as the two methods use different algorithms.
- Optimized ``Address.latitude()``, ``Address.longitude()``, and ``Address.coordinates()`` when passing ``dms=True``.
- Optimized ``Development.version()``.
- Fix duplication of parameter name on using ``Internet.query_parameter()`` (See `1177 <https://github.com/lk-geimfari/mimesis/issues/1177>`_).
- Fix reseeding of the random generator of ``Generic``. This was a regression in v5.1.0. (See `1150 <https://github.com/lk-geimfari/mimesis/issues/1150>`_).
- ``Development.version()`` now supports use of both the ``calver`` and ``pre_release`` flags together.
- Providers now have an isolated ``random`` instance when using a seed of ``None``.