What's Changed
* model dev format by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/1
* update data by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/2
* add data modules for det and rec, raw training pipeline tested by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/3
* add data readme by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/4
* add data convert readme by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/5
* add metrics, postprocess APIs and eval while train by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/8
* fix metric bug by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/9
* fix distributed training bugs by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/10
* Crnn by hqkate in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/6
* support infer pipeline by liangxhao in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/11
* Add performance recording and plot during training by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/13
* Rewrite data conversion and its readme, clear code by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/17
* add DBNet and DBNet++ support by hadipash in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/16
* save visualized image、add args check for infer_pipline by liangxhao in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/12
* fix bug for package whl by liangxhao in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/20
* clean copyright and fix some issue by liangxhao in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/21
* support drop_overflow_update and fix rec metric bug by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/22
* fix random seed bug by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/23
* Add script and docs by jianyunchao in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/25
* fix loss name by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/26
* optimize directory structure by liangxhao in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/28
* update train.py by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/29
* rename command line name by liangxhao in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/30
* add readme for dataset and transform. by jianyunchao in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/27
* Support inference pipeline by HaoyangLee in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/19
* Add Evaluation by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/31
* update readme by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/34
* Update readme by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/36
* add rec data preparation in readme by hqkate in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/35
* Update README.md by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/37
* Update README.md by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/39
* Fix openi evaluation error caused by parameter broadcast by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/40
* update requirements by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/41
* add system test and CI workflow by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/43
* add ST and CI workflow by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/44
* solve cpu support by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/45
* Add ST tests and CI workflow , fix CPU support by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/46
* fix readme links by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/50
* support show_log and save_log_dir by liangxhao in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/42
* Modify README.md for script params. by jianyunchao in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/51
* adapt to lower version setuptools for setup.py by liangxhao in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/54
* Add OpenI Training and Fix Naming by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/55
* Add comments to dataset_root and data_dir by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/56
* Improve mindspore data process pipeline setting, set default values f… by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/59
* fix dir bug in onnx2om.sh by HaoyangLee in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/61
* Add sync lock for non-distributed evaluation by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/62
* refactor pre- and post-processing modules by hadipash in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/58
* fix dbnet config by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/63
* Add CRNN Readme by hqkate in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/53
* add docs directory by HaoyangLee in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/65
* clean code for inference by liangxhao in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/64
* fix CI with predefined config by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/68
* fix eval bug in dist train by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/69
* upload dbnet docs by hadipash in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/67
* mv crnn doc by HaoyangLee in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/70
* dbnet docs update by hadipash in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/71
* Reorganize data pipeline code and update args output_keys->output_columns, num_keys_to_net->num_columns_to_net by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/76
* Chloe branch db net readme cn by colawyee in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/73
* Testr by wtomin in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/74
* update docs for DBNet and CRNN by HaoyangLee in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/78
* Update README.md by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/80
* fix bug in ShrinkBinaryMap that caused crash when no polygons provided by hadipash in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/81
* Add Builde Func API comments by hqkate in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/84
* remove redundant code for transforms by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/83
* fix eval time and best perf logging bug by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/86
* Add dynamic loss scaler support and update by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/97
* Refactor lmdb dataset loader and resnet backbone by hqkate in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/92
* Modify the inference interface to adapt to standalone and distributed… by wang-hua-2019 in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/96
* refractor transforms by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/98
* Readme cn branch by colawyee in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/79
* add dynamic loss scale to dbnet by hadipash in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/108
* fix eval.py import bug issue 100 by HaoyangLee in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/106
* refactor data augmentation pipeline by hadipash in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/105
* update dataset converter readme by wtomin in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/107
* add ckpt_load_path to db_r50_icdar15.yaml, fix issue 102 by HaoyangLee in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/110
* update file path configs/det/dbnet/ in st and ut by HaoyangLee in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/111
* Update readme by hqkate in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/109
* Fix metric bugs in distributed mode and add unit test by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/103
* fix excessive memory usage that causes OOM by hadipash in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/112
* Update requirement to install latest mindcv to fix preatrined backbone URL change issue by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/114
* Readme update, add context info for CRNN by hqkate in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/115
* update dbnet README by hadipash in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/113
* fix 116 align the setting of dataset_root by hqkate in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/117
* mv transform_tutorial.ipynb to .md by HaoyangLee in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/118
* Support setting val_interval and val_start_epoch by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/120
* fix hyper-param name in config file by hqkate in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/122
* update readme for dependency version by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/123
* update readme on context for reported dbnet results by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/124
* update readme by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/125
* update dbnet config for standalone training w/o dataset sink by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/127
* fix some args and update readme for inference by liangxhao in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/126
* add inference API doc by HaoyangLee in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/119
* keep pretrained=Fasle when eval, fix issue 130 by HaoyangLee in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/131
* say goodbye to mindcv installation by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/142
* fix ut by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/143
* add ut for build_loss and build_postprocess by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/144
* rm ms loss scaler test by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/145
* fix test model by name by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/146
* improve init by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/147
* Update readme by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/148
* udpate model readme with training time by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/150
* fix bug for inference by liangxhao in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/149
* fix cv2.findContours version bug by HaoyangLee in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/152
* merge mindcv into repo by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/155
* fix setup error by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/151
* update crnn readme by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/156
* fix dbnet ckpt url by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/157
* fix predefined model download by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/158
* fix setup import by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/159
* update config explanation in crnn doc by HaoyangLee in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/160
* fix setup by liangxhao in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/161
* update dbnet and crnn doc by HaoyangLee in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/164
* rm redundant packages and add ut to workflow by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/163
* Add eval utils. by jianyunchao in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/153
* add readme for models list and benchmark by liangxhao in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/154
* rearrange and update reamde by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/165
* fix readme url bug by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/166
* update mainpage readme by HaoyangLee in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/167
* rm _checkparam usage by HaoyangLee in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/169
* fix evaluation error due to non-divisable batch_size by SamitHuang in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/168
* fix setup by liangxhao in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/170
* update docs by HaoyangLee in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/171
New Contributors
* SamitHuang made their first contribution in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/1
* liangxhao made their first contribution in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/11
* hadipash made their first contribution in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/16
* colawyee made their first contribution in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/73
* wtomin made their first contribution in https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/pull/74
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindocr/commits/v0.1.0