
Latest version: v2.5.0

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Bug Fixes

- [I7R3R5] Fixed the problem that the network precision of the ResNet-50 on the Ascend platform deteriorates.
- [I8A9RH] Fixed an issue where the DBNet(ResNet-50) network precision on the Ascend platform deteriorates.
- [I8B8IW] Fixed the segment error caused by out-of-bounds multi-dimensional tensor assignment.
- [I8J0F4] Fixed an issue where the multidimensional Tensor extension dimension fails to be executed in the dynamic graph.
- [I87P3P] Fixed an issue where the compilation cache fails to be loaded during secondary training on the Ascend platform.
- [I86GP9] Fixed an issue where the UNet3D network inference precision deteriorates on the Ascend platform.
- [I89B4K] Fixed an issue where the dynamic rank execution of dynamic graphs on the Windows platform is suspended.
- [I8CX0C] Fixed an issue where dynamic images occasionally fail in mixed precision mode on the Ascend platform.
- [I8BGCF] Fixed an issue where a segment error occurs when the command is executed in dynamic diagram mode of the AirNet network on the Ascend platform.
- [I8L5DS] Fixed an issue where the ResNet-50 image segmentation network dynamic image is executed slowly on the Ascend platform.


Thanks goes to these wonderful people:

yufan, dingcheng, lvzhangcheng, zhunaipan, fangwenyi, weiyang, changzherui, chujinjin, zangqingxiang, yuchaojie, wuweikang, tanghuikang, xiaoyao, huangbinjian, zhoupeichen, chenfei_mindspore, hedongdong, wangnan, zhengzuohe, yanghaoran, zouliqin, luoyang, liuchongmin, lujiale, machenggui, wangcong, lixiangyi, wangting, huangyong

Contributions of any kind are welcome!

MindSpore Lite 2.2.1 Release Notes

Bug Fixes

- [I88055] Fixed a function issue caused by incorrect format setting of the gridsample operator in MindSpore Lite inference.
- [I8D80Y] The MindSpore Lite inference single-operator invoking process resources are not released and exits abnormally.


Thanks goes to these wonderful people:

zhanghaibo, wangsiyuan, wangshaocong, chenjianping

Contributions of any kind are welcome!


Major Features and Improvements


- [STABLE] The `row_size` parameter of data operation map/batch is extended to support passing list, which stands for [Input Shared Memory, Output Shared Memory], so as to flexibly control the size of shared memory in multi-process mode.
- [STABLE] Provide 100% mindspore.dataset and mindspore.dataset.transforms samples for reference.
- [STABLE] ConcatDataset supports global sampling. After combining data from multiple sources using concat operation, data can be globally sampled randomly to enhance data diversity.
- [STABLE] When the model.train API is used for training, TimeMonitor(.., data_time=True) can be used to monitor data processing performance in real time.
- [STABLE] Introduced the jemalloc library to solve the problem of slow memory rise due to untimely memory debris recovery in extreme scenarios.


- [STABLE] Support adding decorator lazy_inline to make a graph generated from cell being inlined lazily, which can improve the compilation performance effectively.
- [STABLE] Optimize the function of mixed precision training, support automatic rewriting of Python scripts through rewrite to achieve mixed precision strategies, and support automatic parsing of functions, branch statements, and other syntax.
- [STABLE] Mixed precision function optimization, ReWrite supports syntax parsing of class functions and branch statements, and extends O1 functionality.
- [STABLE] Optimize the dynamic learning rate function and add APIs such as MultiStepLR; function get_lr and global_step decoupling, extending optimizer module functionality.
- [STABLE] Optimize API code samples, API difference tables, and tutorials for using higher-order functions.


- [STABLE] Add new operator primitive `mindspore.ops.Dense`.
- [STABLE] Add the random number operator state management feature, which allows the random number operator to save the state of the random number, and can be stably reproduced in scenarios such as model parallelism and recalculation. Currently, it only supports CPU/GPU platforms, and the involved random number operators include: `mindspore.ops.Multinomial`, `mindspore.ops.MultinomialWithReplacement`, `mindspore.ops.ParameterizedTruncatedNormal`, `mindspore.ops.StandardLaplace`, `mindspore.ops.StandardLaplace`, `mindspore.ops.Uniform`, `mindspore.ops.UniformInt`, `mindspore.ops.UniformReal`, `mindspore.ops.UniformInt`, `mindspore.ops.Dropout`, `mindspore.ops.RandomChoiceWithMask`, `mindspore.ops.RandomCategorical`, `mindspore.ops.RandomShuffle`, `mindspore.ops.RandamGamma`, `mindspore.ops.RandomPoisson` and `mindspore.ops.TruncatedNormal`.
- [STABLE] When a GPU operator encounters an illegal input scenario, it supports asynchronously printing error logs in the CUDA kernel of the operator to the Host side and interrupting the execution of the current CUDA Stream, improving the efficiency of user operator problem positioning.


- [STABLE] Support viewing mechanism in PyNative mode.
- [STABLE] Function enhancement in PyNative mode: sens supports dict input type.


- [STABLE] Supports user configurable operator high-precision/high-performance mode, users can use `context.set_context(ascend_config={"op_precision_mode": "/path/to/op_precision_config_file"})` to configure high-precision/high-performance modes for some TBE operators.
- [BETA] Supports user configurable operators for fp16-in and fp32-out, users can use `context.set_context(ascend_config={"precision_mode": "force_fp32"})` to configure fp16-in and fp32-out for the TBE Cube operators.
- [BETA] Remove the strong binding between `jit_level="O3"` and GE processes, so users no longer need to set `jit_level="O3"` when executing GE processes.


- [STABLE] Support the gradient accumulation feature in non-pipeline parallel scenarios in semi-automatic/fully automatic mode. Users can enable gradient accumulation by writing `net = GradAccumulationCell(net, micro_size)`. The gradient accumulation feature is compatible with the lazy_inline feature.


Since version 2.2, the MindSpore main release package does not provide the inference interface enabling for the Ascend 310. If you need to use the inference interface, install the MindSpore Lite release package or download the MindSpore version earlier than 2.0. For details about how to install and use MindSpore Lite, see <https://www.mindspore.cn/lite/en>. HUAWEI Ascend 310 (Ascend) is an energy-efficient and highly integrated AI processor for edge scenarios. It supports inference on MindIR models. In the earlier version, MindSpore provides two methods for enabling inference on the Ascend 310 hardware:

1. The MindSpore main release package provides the matching Ascend 310 version that supports C++ inference interfaces.
2. The MindSpore Lite release package provides the matching Ascend version and supports C++ and Java inference.

The C++ APIs provided by the two solutions are basically the same. In the future, MindSpore Lite is used instead of building and maintaining two sets of interfaces. The original 310 inference service built based on the MindSpore main release package can be switched to MindSpore Lite with a few modifications. For details, see <https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/faq/inference.html>.

Bug fixes

- [I7SDA0] Fixed an issue where the accuracy of the CRNN network deteriorates on the NES platform.
- [I7T4QK] Fixed an issue where the inference precision of the WGAN network deteriorates on the OptiX OSN 8800 platform.
- [I7TJ8Z] Fixed an issue where the inference precision of the LGTM network deteriorates on the OptiX OSN 8800 platform.
- [I7M58O] Fixed ASR-dynamic network training core dump issue on Ascend platform.
- [I7L6B6] Fixed an issue where child processes do not exit in some scenarios when dataset is in multi-process mode.
- [I7L7AE] Fixed an issue where dataset pipeline contains repeat operations and dynamic batchinfo.get_epoch_num() is incorrectly used in dataset.batch.
- [I7UY7G] Rectify the file permission modification error in OBSMindDataset.


Thanks goes to these wonderful people:
bantao, Bingliang, BJ-WANG, Brian-K, caifubi, ccsszz, changzherui, chenfei_mindspore, chengfeng27, chenhaozhe, chenjianping, chenkang, chenweifeng, chuht, chujinjin, CShu0507, Cynthia叶, DeshiChen, douzhixing, Erpim, Etienne, fary86, fengxun, fengyixing, gaoshuanglong, Gaoxiong, gaoyong10, GaoZhenlong, Greatpan, GuoZhibin, guozhijian, hangq, hanhuifeng, haozhang, hedongdong, Henry Shi, HighCloud, Hongxing, huangbingjian, huanghui, huangxinjing, huangziling, hujiahui8, huoxinyou, HWalkingMan, jianghui58, jiangshanfeng, jiaorui, jijiarong, jjfeing, JuiceZ, jxl, KevinYi, kisnwang, KXiong, lanzhineng, Li Qingguo, LiangZhibo, lianliguang, ligan, lihao, Lihoon, limingqi107, ling, linqingke, liruyu, liubuyu, liuchao, liujunzhu, liuluobin, liupeng303, liutongtong9, liyan2022, liyejun, looop5, luochao60, luojianing, luoyang, machenggui, maning202007, Margaret_wangrui, MaZhiming, mengyuanli, moran, NaCN, nomindcarry, panshaowu, panzhihui, qinzheng, qiuzhongya, r1chardf1d0, shaojunsong, shenwei41, shenyaxin, shenzhangyi, Shira Zaloshinski, shunyuanhan, tangdezhi_123, tanghuikang, tan-wei-cheng, tan-wei-cheng-3260, TronZhang, TuDouNi, VectorSL, wang_ziqi, wanghenchang, wangpingan, wangshaocong, wangtongyu6, wtcheng, wujueying, XianglongZeng, xiaotianci, xiaoxin_zhang, xiaoxiongzhu, xiaoyao, xiaoyuanyuan, XinDu, xujinliang, xupan, yanghaoran, yangluhang, yangruoqi713, yangsijia, yangzhenzhang, yangzishuo, yanjiaming, Yanzhi_YI, yao_yf, yefeng, yeyunpeng2020, yide12, YijieChen, YingLai Lin, YingtongHu, yonibaehr, youshu, yuchaojie, YuJianfeng, zangqx, zhaizhiqiang, zhangbuxue, zhangchunlei, zhangdanyang, zhangdong, zhanghaibo, zhangminli, zhangqi, zhangqinghua, zhangyanhui, zhangyifan, zhangyongxian, zhangzhen, zhangzheng, zhanzhan, zhengzuohe, ZhihaoLi, zhoufeng, zhouyaqiang0, zhuguodong, zhupuxu, zichun_ye, zjun, ZPaC, zuochuanyong, zyli2020, 陈宇, 程超, 范吉斌, 冯浩, 冯一航, 胡彬, 宦晓玲, 黄勇, 雷元哲, 黎冠新, 李良灿, 李林杰, 刘崇鸣, 刘力力, 刘思铭, 刘勇琪, 吕浩宇, 没有窗户的小巷, 沈竞兴, 王禹程, 王振邦, 徐安越, 徐永飞, 俞涵, 张澍坤, 周超, 朱家兴

Contributions of any kind are welcome!

MindSpore Lite 2.2.0 Release Notes

Major Features and Improvements

FlashAttention Operator Fusion

- [STABLE] The OptiX OSN Ascend 910 series supports the FlashAttention large operator fusion of the LLAMA and stable diffusion models.


Bug fixes

- [I7Q9RX] The Ascend platform supports adaptive identification of different hardware types.
- [I7SDA0] Fixed an issue where the accuracy of the CRNN network deteriorates on the NES platform.
- [I7T4QK] Fixed an issue where the inference precision of the WGAN network deteriorates on the OptiX OSN 8800 platform.
- [I7TJ8Z] Fixed an issue where the inference precision of the LGTM network deteriorates on the OptiX OSN 8800 platform.


Thanks goes to these wonderful people:

changzherui, chenfei_mindspore, chenjianping, chenkang, chenweifeng, chujinjin, fangwenyi, GuoZhibin, guozhijian, hangq, hanhuifeng, haozhang, hedongdong, You Shu, Zhou Feng, Dai Yuxin

Contributions of any kind are welcome!

MindSpore Lite 2.1.1 Release Notes

Major Features and Improvements

- [STABLE] MindSpore Lite Cloud Inference adds support for Python 3.8 and Python 3.9


Major Features and Improvements


- [BETA] JIT Fallback supports variable scenarios. In static graph mode, JIT Fallback supports return of Dict type and Scalar type, supports property setting of non-Parameter type objects, supports partial in-place modification operations of List, and supports third-party libraries such as NumPy. Moreover, it supports related operations of user-defined classes and supports Python basic operators and built-in functions to use more data types. It is compatible with features like control flow, side effects, automatic differentiation. For more details, please refer to [Static Graph Syntax Support](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/r2.1/note/static_graph_syntax_support.html).

- [BETA] In static graph mode, the error message of using undefined variables in the control flow scene is optimized. When using variables defined in if, while, and for control flow branches, the variables need to be initialized and defined before the control flow.

- [STABLE] Add module ReWrite, support the ability to modify multiple network in batches based on customized rules.

- [BETA] Add optim_ex module for optimizers, extend the current functionality, support parameter grouping for every parameter in the optimizer, and support parameter modification by assignment while training.

- [STABLE] Optimize PyTorch and MindSpore API Mapping Table, specify the differences between APIs among functionality, parameter, input, output and specialized cases.


- Optimize the performance of dynamic shape scenes in PyNative mode.


- [STABLE] Optimize the memory structure of MindRecord data files. Memory consumption can be reduced 60% when loading 100TB+ data for training.
- [STABLE] Support single-thread execution of data processing pipeline, and users can add code in the data pipeline for debugging.
- [STABLE] Optimize the performance of TFRecordDataset to improve the performance of dataset loading by 60%+. Optimize the performance of batch to improve the performance by 30% for the scenarios with large number of batch.
- [STABLE] Optimize API documentation of [mindspore.dataset](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/r2.1/api_python/mindspore.dataset.html) and [mindspore.dataset.transforms](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/r2.1/api_python/mindspore.dataset.transforms.html). Four new sample libraries have been added to show the effect of data enhancement, namely: [Load & Process Datasets Using Data Pipeline](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/r2.1/api_python/mindspore.dataset.html#quick-start-of-dataset-pipeline), [Visual Transformation Sample Library](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/r2.1/api_python/mindspore.dataset.transforms.html#module-mindspore.dataset.vision), [Text Transform Sample Library](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/r2.1/api_python/mindspore.dataset.transforms.html#module-mindspore.dataset.text), [Audio Transform Sample Library](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/r2.1/api_python/mindspore.dataset.transforms.html#module-mindspore.dataset.audio)


- [STABLE] Support offload parameters or intermediate activations to the CPU or NVMe storage during training process. Users can enable this offload feature by configuring context to scale up the trainable model size.

- [STABLE] Enhanced automatic parallel capability including:

1. Performance of automatic strategy for typical networks is no less than 90% of default configuration.

2. Support 3D hybrid parallel training: automatic operator-level strategy generation combined with manual configured pipeline partition.


- [STABLE] Upgrade OpenMPI version to 4.1.4.
- [STABLE] Upgrade NCCL version to 2.16.5.
- [STABLE] Assign rank id continuously in same node when using dynamic cluster to launch distributed jobs.
- [STABLE] No adaptation code is required for Scheduler node. The script of Scheduler could be identical to that of Worker.


- [STABLE] Support dump assisted debug information for operator AIC Error scenario. The information includes the operator task name, stream ID, input/output/workspace address and so on.
- [STABLE] Provide default processing mechanism, which skips its execution, for CANN operators for empty Tensor output scenarios.
- [STABLE] Supplement debug information when network model fails to execute in graph mode. The debug information will saved in a CSV file in rank_${id}/exec_order/, recording the task ID and stream ID of each task.


- [STABLE] The Profiler supports the collection of time-consuming data from all phases on the Host side.
- [BETA] The Profiler supports the collection of memory data from all phases on the Host side.
- [BETA] The Profiler supports the collection of data processing operator time consumption.

API Change

- `mindspore.dataset.GraphData`, `mindspore.dataset.Graph`, `mindspore.dataset.InMemoryGraphDataset`, `mindspore.dataset. ArgoverseDataset` are no longer evolved and are deprecated. Use [MindSpore Graph Learning](https://gitee.com/mindspore/graphlearning) for related functional replacements. When replacing networks in Model repositories that use this API, please refer to [GCN](https://gitee.com/mindspore/graphlearning/tree/master/model_zoo/gcn) for GCN and [GAT](https://gitee.com/mindspore/graphlearning/tree/master/model_zoo/gat).
- `mindspore.set_context` adds `jit_syntax_level` option, which is used to set JIT syntax support level. For more details, please refer to [set_context](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/r2.1/api_python/mindspore/mindspore.set_context.html).
- Change the `model.infer_predict_layout` interface, which has a new parameter skip_backend_compile with a default value of False. Set to True when the user wants to skip the backend compilation process to get the parameter slicing strategy.


- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.ApplyAdamWithAmsgradV2`. It is recommended to call this operator through API `mindspore.nn.Adam`.
- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.UpsampleTrilinear3D`. It is recommended to call this operator through API `mindspore.ops.interpolate`.
- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.UpsampleNearest3D`. It is recommended to call this operator through API `mindspore.ops.interpolate`.

API Deprecation

- Deprecate operator primitive `mindspore.ops.ScatterNonAliasingAdd`. It is recommended to use operator primitive `mindspore.ops.TensorScatterAdd` as a replacement.

Backwards Incompatible Change

- Interface name: `mindspore.nn.Dense`, `mindspore.nn.Conv1d`, `mindspore.nn.Conv1dTranspose`, `mindspore.nn.Conv2d`, `mindspore.nn.Conv2dTranspose`, `mindspore.nn.Conv3d`, `mindspore.nn.Conv3dTranspose`

Changes: Change initialization parameter strategy. The default value of weight_init is changed from "normal" to None, and the default value of bias_init is changed from "zeros" to None.

Description: The default initialization method for weights has been changed from "normal" to internal HeUniform initialization. The default initialization method of bias is changed from "zeros" to internal Uniform initialization.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> v2.1 interface </td>
out_channels, kernel_size,

Bug Fixes

- [I6TKLW] Fix the issue of MobileNetV2 network performance degradation on the Ascend platform.
- [I7CP5H] Fix the issue where ASR network training failed on the Ascend platform.
- [I7I3EZ] Fix the issue that caused run_check() failure due to changes to the enumeration interface in Pillow version 10.0.0. If encountered in a lower version of MindSpore, install versions of Pillow below 10.0.0 to avoid this issue.
- [I7IZ8K] Fix accuracy issues with the assignsub interface in PyNative mode.
- [I7HGY0] Fix the issue that the loss of the functional programming does not converge in the PyNative data_sink mode.
- [I7J4N3] Fix the issue that the generation of Step Trace failed in Profiler dynamic Shape mode
- [I7J4N3] Fix the issue that there is no data displayed in the MindInsight parallel strategy view.
- [I79YY4] Fix SiLU operator error when high-order differential in PyNative mode.
- [I6NQJQ] Fix the issue of probabilistic failure in dynamic shape scenarios of the ScatterUpdate operator in PyNative mode.
- [I6Y4G5] Fix the issue of failure in dynamic Shape scenarios of the Conv3D operator in Graph mode.


Thanks goes to these wonderful people:

alashkari,anzhengqi,archer2049,B.L.LAN,baihuawei,bichaoyang,BJ-WANG,Bokai Li,Brian-K,caifubi,caiyimeng,cathwong,changzherui,ChenDonYY,chenfei_mindspore,chengang,chengbin,chenhaozhe,chenjianping,chenkang,chenweifeng,chuht,chujinjin,davidanugraha,DavidFFFan,DeshiChen,douzhixing,emmmmtang,Erpim,Ethan,fangwenyi,fangzehua,fangzhou0329,fary86,fengyixing,gaoshuanglong,Gaoxiong,gaoyong10,gengdongjie,gongdaguo1,Greatpan,GuoZhibin,guozhijian,hangq,hanhuifeng,haozhang,hedongdong,Henry Shi,heterogeneous_to_backoff_2_0,huangbingjian,huanghui,huangxinjing,hujiahui8,hujingsong,huoxinyou,jachua,jiahongQian,jianghui58,jiangzhenguang,jiaorui,jiaoy1224,jijiarong,jjfeing,JoeyLin,json,JuiceZ,jxl,kairui_kou,KevinYi,kisnwang,KXiong,laiyongqiang,lanzhineng,liangchenghui,liangzelang,LiangZhibo,lianliguang,lichen,ligan,lijunbin,limingqi107,ling,linqingke,liubuyu,liuchao,liuchuting,liujunzhu,liuluobin,liutongtong9,liuyang811,lixiao,liyan2022,liyejun,liyuxia,looop5,luochao60,luojianing,luoyang,luoyuan,lyqlola,maning202007,maoyaomin,Margaret_wangrui,mayadong,MaZhiming,melody,mengyuanli,michaelzhu_70ab,Mohammad Motallebi,moran,NaCN,nomindcarry,OwenSec,panfengfeng,panshaowu,panzhihui,pkuliuliu,qinzheng,qiuzhongya,qujianwei,r1chardf1d0,Renyuan Zhang,RobinGrosman,shaojunsong,shenwei41,Soaringfish,tangdezhi_123,tanghuikang,tan-wei-cheng,TinaMengtingZhang,TronZhang,TuDouNi,VectorSL,wang_ziqi,wanghenchang,wangnan39,wangpingan,wangshaocong,wangshengnan123,wangtongyu6,weichaoran,wind-zyx,wqx,wtcheng,wujueying,wYann,XianglongZeng,xiaohanzhang,xiaotianci,xiaoyao,XinDu,xulei,xumengjuan1,xupan,xwkgch,yanghaoran,yangluhang,yangruoqi713,yangshuo,yangsijia,yangzhenzhang,yanzhenxiang2020,Yanzhi_YI,yao_yf,yefeng,yeyunpeng2020,Yi_zhang95,yide12,YijieChen,YingLai Lin,YingtongHu,youshu,yuchaojie,yuedongli,YuJianfeng,zangqx,ZengZitao,zhangbuxue,zhangdanyang,zhangdong,zhangfanghe,zhangqi,zhangqinghua,zhangyanhui,zhangyinxia,zhangyongxian,zhangzhaoju,zhanzhan,zhengzuohe,ZhidanLiu,zhixinaa,zhoufeng,zhouyaqiang0,zhuguodong,zhupuxu,zhuyuxiao,zichun_ye,zjun,zlq2020,zong_shuai,ZPaC,zuochuanyong,zyli2020,陈宇,范吉斌,冯一航,胡彬,宦晓玲,黄勇,雷元哲,李良灿,李林杰,刘崇鸣,刘力力,刘勇琪,吕浩宇,吕昱峰(Nate.River),没有窗户的小巷,沈竞兴,十六夜,王程浩,王禹程,王振邦,徐安越,徐永飞,杨旭华,于振华,俞涵,张清华,张澍坤,张栩浩,张学同,赵英灼,周超,周洪叶,朱家兴

Contributions of any kind are welcome!

MindSpore Lite 2.1.0 Release Notes

Major Features and Improvements

MindSpore Lite Cloud Inference

- [STABLE] Supports high-performance inference for single-device large model and single-node multi-device distributed large model at Ascend backend.
- [STABLE] Python API Ascend backend supports multiple models sharing workspace memory.
- [STABLE] [The weights can be shared by multiple models through ModelGroup](https://mindspore.cn/lite/docs/en/r2.1/use/cloud_infer/runtime_cpp.html#multiple-models-sharing-weights). For example, weights can be shared between full models and incremental models in the large model scenario.


The [Python](https://www.mindspore.cn/lite/api/en/r2.1/mindspore_lite/mindspore_lite.ModelGroup.html) and [C++](https://mindspore.cn/lite/api/en/r2.1/generate/classmindspore_ModelGroup.html) ModelGroup interface is added. The interface definition is as follows:

class ModelGroup
def __init__(self, flags=ModelGroupFlag.SHARE_WORKSPACE)
def add_model(self, models)
def cal_max_size_of_workspace(self, model_type, context)

// class ModelGroup
ModelGroup(ModelGroupFlag flags = ModelGroupFlag::kShareWorkspace);
Status AddModel(const std::vector<std::string> &model_path_list);
Status AddModel(const std::vector<std::pair<const void *, size_t>> &model_buff_list);
Status AddModel(const std::vector &model_list);
Status AddModel(const std::vector &model_list);


>>> bijector = msb.PowerTransform(power=power)


`nn.probability.bijector.GumbelCDF` remove a attribute in the interface: dtype ([!8191](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/pulls/8191))

dtype is removed from GumbelCDF and is no longer an argument of the class.

<td style="text-align:center"> 1.0.1 </td> <td style="text-align:center"> 1.1.0 </td>

>>> import mindspore.nn.probability.bijector as msb
>>> from mindspore import dtype as mstype
>>> bijector = msb.GumbelCDF(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, dtype=mstype.float32)


>>> import mindspore.nn.probability.bijector as msb
>>> bijector = msb.GumbelCDF(loc=0.0, scale=1.0)


`nn.layer.combined.Conv2dBnAct`, `nn.layer.combined.DenseBnAct` move from nn.layer.quant to nn.layer.combined ([!8187](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/pulls/8187))

Previously Conv2dBnAct and DenseBnAct are in nn.layer.quant, since they are not quant cells, now they are moved to nn.layer.combined. If you import Conv2dBnAct, DenseBnAct from mindspore.nn, then your code doesn't need any change.

<td style="text-align:center"> 1.0.1 </td> <td style="text-align:center"> 1.1.0 </td>

>>> from mindspore.nn.layer.quant import Conv2dBnAct, DenseBnAct


>>> from mindspore.nn import Conv2dBnAct, DenseBnAct


`nn.layer.conv.Conv2D`, `nn.layer.quant.Conv2dBnFoldQuant`, `nn.layer.quant.Conv2dBnWithoutFoldQuant` change weight shape when group > 1 in Ascend platform ([!9723](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/pulls/9723))

In Ascend platform, if group > 1, the weight shape of Conv2D change from [in_channels//group, out_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size] to [out_channels, in_channels//group, kernel_size, kernel_size]. Previously, checkpoints of the networks are used, which use Conv2D with group > 1, such as MobileNet, can not be directly used now, need to transpose the first and second axis of the weight.

Bug fixes


- [STABLE] Fix the problem of the cse optimization in the situation of control flow. (Ascend/GPU)

Auto Parallel

- [STABLE] Resolve the restriction: input and output layouts of Reshape are restricted in tensor redistribution. (Ascend/GPU)
- [STABLE] Resolve the restriction: output strategy should be data parallel in model evaluation. (Ascend/GPU)


- [STABLE] Fix fusion operator compilation cache. (Ascend)
- [STABLE] Fix compilation error of dynamic shape operator. (Ascend)
- [STABLE] Fix bug of pynative cannot insert transdata of node output when node should be spilted in the backend opt.(Ascend)
- [STABLE] Fix the bug of TensorMove and memcpy_async merge to one after backend cse pass (Ascend)


- [STABLE] Fix cache server hang on RequestFreeTag. (Ascend/GPU/CPU)
- [STABLE] Fix hung when use pyfunc multi-processing. (Ascend/GPU/CPU)
- [STABLE] Fix add multiple parent nodes to tree node cause core dump. (Ascend/GPU/CPU)

MindSpore Lite

Major Features and Improvements

Converter and runtime

1. Support dynamic shape in MindSpore Lite Converter.
2. Optimize sub-graph mechanism by dynamically splitting the entire graph into multiple subgraphs based on the operator supported, backend hardware and user configuration.
3. Support TensorList and TensorList operators such as TensorListFromTensor, TensorListGetItem and so on.
4. Support BatchMatMul fusion and LSTM fusion in MindSpore Lite Converter.
5. Support converting model and run inference on Windows operator system.
6. Support Model(.ms) visualization on Netron.
7. Support Tensorflow model in MindSpore Lite Converter
8. Add 86 converter parsers.
9. Convert aware training model without user's awareness
10. Support scalar tensor in MindSpore Lite Converter and Runtime
11. Support NPU backend on HUAWEI Kirin SoC.[BETA]
12. Merge timeprofiler into benchmark

CPU backend optimization

1. Add 50+ new operators, including new Op type(like Adder, Gru).
2. Enhanced performance on armv8.2 supported platform. For example, utilizing sdot instruction more efficiently.
3. Optimize all operators(fp32, fp16, int8) by implementing multi-thread, SIMD tech as much as possible. Model inference time can reduce at least 20% after these optimizations.
4. Extending to support operators for x86_64 platform based on SSE/AVX instruction set.

OpenCL backend

1. Add new ops: add 10+ ops, total 58 ops;
2. Performance optimization: by memory layout optimize, Winograd Convolution select strategyoptimize, SIMT local size optimize, local cache optimize, GPU performance improvement up to 20+% vs MSLITE Version1.0
3. Add Online Graph optimzation: by fusion Convolution/Matmul/Fullconnection and add/mul/pad/reshape, improve performance up to 50+% for some networks;
4. Add auto tuning: by online tuning in the graph compilation phase, optimize performance up to 10%;
5. Add weight quant: support weight quant
6. Add opencl kernel binary cache: improve Initialization time .

Post quantization

MindSpore Lite supports both weight quantization and full quantization. Currently, Weights can be quantized into 1 ~ 16 bits according to user configuration. In internal testing, quantization of networks, such as classification, detection, segmentation and transformer are well supported. To ensure high accuracy of quantized models, MindSpore Lite uses a pipeline quantization method. In the first phase, the weight and activation value are quantized using linear quantization methods, such as MIN-MAX. In the second phase, the quantization error is analyzed, and uses statistical methods to compensate loss caused by fp32 quantization to a fixed point such as Int8 to quantized models. The features of Post-training quantization are:

1. perchannel asymmetric quantization for weights, such as MAX_MIN and KMEANS
2. Perlayer symmetric quantization for activation, such as KL and MAX_MIN.
3. perlayer asymmetrical quantization for activation, such as, RemoveOutlier.
4. accuracy loss compensation, such as BiasCorrection

| mobilenet_v2 | ACC (ImageNet) |


Major Features and Improvements


- [STABLE] Dynamic shape is fully supported on framework. For detailed operator support, refer to [Dynamic Shape Support Status of nn Interface](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/note/dynamic_shape_nn.html), [Dynamic Shape Support Status of ops Interface](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/note/dynamic_shape_func.html), and [Dynamic Shape Support Status of primitive Interface](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/note/dynamic_shape_primitive.html).


- [STABLE] Build new MindFormers independent repositpry, providing distributed parallel suite, replacing mindspore.nn.transformer module.
- [DEMO] Distributed parallel operator Gather supports the BatchDim attribute.
- [DEMO] Streamline parallel supports specifying any dimension of the input data as the Batch dimension.

API Change


- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.AdaptiveAvgPool2D` .
- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.BatchToSpaceNDV2` .
- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.CeLU` .
- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.ExtractVolumePatches` .
- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.FFTWithSize` .
- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.FillDiagonal` .
- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.FractionalMaxPool3DWithFixedKsize` .
- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.Im2Col` .
- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.MaskedScatter` .
- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.MatrixBandPart` .
- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.MatrixInverse` .
- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.MaxPoolWithArgmaxV2` .
- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.Ormqr` .
- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.RandpermV2` .
- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.ResizeBicubic` .
- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.Triu` .
- Add operator primitive for `mindspore.ops.Zeta` .

Backwards Incompatible Change

- Interface: mindspore.ops.MultitypeFuncGraph

Change: The interface parameter doc_url is used as a test feature in MindSpore 2.0.0.rc1 version. After the optimization of MindSpore 2.0.0 version, users do not need to configure this parameter, so this parameter is deleted in MindSpore 2.0.0 version.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0 </td>
mindspore.ops.MultitypeFuncGraph(name, read_value=False, doc_url="")
mindspore.ops.MultitypeFuncGraph(name, read_value=False)

- Interface: mindspore.set_context(auto_tune_mode="GA,RL")

Change: The AutoTune tool has been deprecated, delete auto_tune_mode option, new tuning tools will be planned in the future.

- Interface: mindspore.set_context(mode=PYNATIVE_MODE)

Change: The default value is changed from GRAPH_MODE to PYNATIVE_MODE.

Description: If the running mode is not set and the diagram mode needs to be set, use the following method:

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>

- Interface: mindspore.train.Model.train

Change: The default value of dataset_sink_mode is changed from True to False.

Description: If dataset_sink_mode is not set and the data sinking mode needs to be set, use the following method:

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>

- Interface: mindspore.export

Change: The file_format parameter is changed from AIR to no default value.

Description: If file_format is not set in the original mode, you need to set file_format additionally. In this case, use the following method:
mindspore.export(net, *inputs, file_name, file_format="AIR", **kwargs).

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
mindspore.export(net, *inputs, file_name,
file_format="AIR", **kwargs)
mindspore.export(net, *inputs, file_name,
file_format, **kwargs)

- Interface: mindspore.ops.norm

Change: The ord parameter function is extended to support multiple forms.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
ops.norm(input_x, axis, p=2, keep_dims=False, epsilon=1e-12)
>>> Example:
>>> input = Tensor(np.array([[[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]],
... [[5.0, 6.0], [7.0, 8.0]]]).astype(np.float32))
>>> output = ops.norm(input, [0, 1], p=2)
ops.norm(A, ord=None, dim=None, keepdim=False, *, dtype=None)
>>> Example:
>>> input = Tensor(np.array([[[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]],
... [[5.0, 6.0], [7.0, 8.0]]]).astype(np.float32))
>>> output = ops.norm(input, ord=2, dim=(0, 1))

- Interface: mindspore.Tensor.norm

Change: The ord parameter function is extended to support multiple forms.

Description: For details, see the example of ops.norm.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
Tensor.norm(axis, p=2, keep_dims=False, epsilon=1e-12)
Tensor.norm(ord=None, dim=None, keepdim=False, *, dtype=None)

- Interface: mindspore.ops.dropout

Change: The seed0 and seed1 parameters are deleted and seed=None parameter is added. Instead of returning Tensors and masks, only Tensors are returned. The input parameter training=True is added.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
ops.dropout(x, p=0.5, seed0=0, seed1=0)
>>> Example:
>>> input = Tensor(((20, 16), (50, 50)),
... mindspore.float32)
>>> output, mask = dropout(x, p=0.5)
ops.dropout(input, p=0.5, training=True, seed=None)
>>> Example:
>>> input = Tensor(((20, 16), (50, 50)),
... mindspore.float32)
>>> output = ops.dropout(input, p=0.5,training=True)

- Interface: mindspore.ops.dropout2d

Change: Return value is changed from Tensor and mask to Tensor only. The input parameter training=True is added.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
ops.dropout2d(x, p=0.5)
>>> Example:
>>> input = Tensor(np.ones([2, 1, 2, 3]),
... mindspore.float32)
>>> output, mask = dropout2d(input, 0.5)
ops.dropout2d(input, p=0.5, training=True)
>>> Example:
>>> input = Tensor(np.ones([2, 1, 2, 3]),
... mindspore.float32)
>>> output = ops.dropout2d(input, 0.5, training=True)

- Interface: mindspore.ops.dropout3d

Change: Return value is changed from Tensor and mask to Tensor only. The input parameter training=True is added.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
ops.dropout3d(x, p=0.5)
>>> Example:
>>> input = Tensor(np.ones([2, 1, 2, 3]),
... mindspore.float32)
>>> output, mask = dropout3d(input, 0.5)
ops.dropout3d(input, p=0.5, training=True)
>>> Example:
>>> input = Tensor(np.ones([2, 1, 2, 3]),
... mindspore.float32)
>>> output = ops.dropout3d(input, 0.5, training=True)

- Interface: mindspore.ops.std

Change: The interface is reconstructed, and the interface usage mode is more consistent with user habits.

Description: If parameter `unbiased` has been set, use the following alternative: `unbiased=False` -> `ddof=0`, `unbiased=True` -> `ddof=1`.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
ops.std(input_x, axis=(), unbiased=True, keep_dims=False)
ops.std(input, axis=None, ddof=0, keepdims=False)

- Interface: mindspore.load_param_into_net

Change: Parameters that are not loaded in the ckpt are added as return values.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
net_param = load_param_into_net()
net_param, ckpt_param = load_param_into_net()

- Interface: mindspore.nn.BCELoss

Change: The default value of `reduction` is changed from 'none' to 'mean'.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
BCELoss(weight=None, reduction='none')
>>> Example:
>>> weight = Tensor(np.array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
... [4.0, 3.3, 2.2]]),
... mindspore.float32)
>>> loss = nn.BCELoss(weight=weight, reduction='mean')
>>> logits = Tensor(np.array([[0.1, 0.2, 0.3],
... [0.5, 0.7, 0.9]]),
... mindspore.float32)
>>> labels = Tensor(np.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]),
... mindspore.float32)
>>> output = loss(logits, labels)
>>> print(output)
>>> 1.8952923
BCELoss(weight=None, reduction='mean')
>>> Example:
>>> weight = Tensor(np.array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
... [4.0, 3.3, 2.2]]),
... mindspore.float32)
>>> loss = nn.BCELoss(weight=weight)
>>> logits = Tensor(np.array([[0.1, 0.2, 0.3],
... [0.5, 0.7, 0.9]]),
... mindspore.float32)
>>> labels = Tensor(np.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]),
... mindspore.float32)
>>> output = loss(logits, labels)
>>> print(output)
>>> 1.8952923

- Interface: mindspore.ops.split

Change: The interface is reconstructed. The interface usage mode is more suitable for users. The sequence of the second and third parameters is adjusted, and the split_size_or_sections function is modified and extended.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
ops.split(input_x, axis=0, output_num=1)
>>> Example:
>>> input = Tensor(np.array([[1, 1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2, 2]]),
... mindspore.int32)
>>> output = ops.split(input, axis=1, output_num=4)
ops.split(tensor, split_size_or_sections, axis=0)
>>> Example:
>>> input = Tensor(np.array([[1, 1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2, 2]]),
... mindspore.int32)
>>> output = ops.split(input, split_size_or_sections=1, axis=1)

- Interface: mindspore.Tensor.split

Change: The interface is reconstructed. The interface usage mode is more suitable for users. The positions of the two parameters is adjusted, and the split_size_or_sections function is modified and extended.

Description: For details, see the example of ops.split.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
Tensor.split(axis=0, output_num=1)
Tensor.split(split_size_or_sections, axis=0)

- Interface: mindspore.ops.pad

Change: Modify the parameter name paddings to padding, and the mode and value functions are added.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
ops.pad(input_x, paddings)
>>> Example:
>>> input_x = Tensor(np.array([[-0.1, 0.3, 3.6],
... [0.4, 0.5, -3.2]]),
... mindspore.float32)
>>> paddings = ((1, 2), (2, 1))
>>> output = ops.pad(input_x, paddings)
ops.pad(input_x, padding, mode='constant', value=None)
>>> Example:
>>> input_x = Tensor(np.array([[-0.1, 0.3, 3.6],
... [0.4, 0.5, -3.2]]),
... mindspore.float32)
>>> paddings = (2, 1, 1, 2)
>>> output = ops.pad(input_x, paddings)

- Interface: mindspore.ops.meshgrid

Change: The input parameter is changed from `inputs` to `*input`.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
ops.meshgrid(inputs, indexing='xy')
>>> Example:
>>> x = Tensor(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]).astype(np.int32))
>>> y = Tensor(np.array([5, 6, 7]).astype(np.int32))
>>> z = Tensor(np.array([8, 9, 0, 1, 2]).astype(np.int32))
output = ops.meshgrid((x, y, z), indexing='xy')
ops.meshgrid(*inputs, indexing='xy')
>>> Example:
>>> x = Tensor(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]).astype(np.int32))
>>> y = Tensor(np.array([5, 6, 7]).astype(np.int32))
>>> z = Tensor(np.array([8, 9, 0, 1, 2]).astype(np.int32))
output = ops.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing='xy')

- Interface: mindspore.ops.max

Change: Return value exchange sequence. The value is changed from "index, value" to "value, index".

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
ops.max(x, axis=0, keep_dims=False)
>>> Example:
>>> input = Tensor(np.array([0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.1]),
... mindspore.float32)
>>> index, output = ops.max(input)
>>> print(index, output)
>>> 3 0.7
ops.max(input, axis=None, keepdims=False, *, initial=None, where=True, return_indices=False)
>>> Example:
>>> input = Tensor(np.array([0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.1]),
... mindspore.float32)
>>> output, index = ops.max(input, axis=0)
>>> print(output, index)

- Interface: mindspore.ops.min

Change: Return value exchange sequence. The value is changed from "index, value" to "value, index".

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
ops.min(x, axis=0, keep_dims=False)
>>> Example:
>>> input = Tensor(np.array([0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.1]),
... mindspore.float32)
>>> index, output = ops.min(input)
>>> 0 0.0
ops.min(input, axis=None, keepdims=False, *, initial=None, where=True, return_indices=False)
>>> Example:
>>> input = Tensor(np.array([0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.1]),
... mindspore.float32)
>>> output, index = ops.min(input, keepdims=True)
>>> 0.0 0

- Interface: mindspore.ops.random_gamma

Change: The seed2 parameter is deleted and seed=0 is changed to None. The framework behavior is unified and complies with the actual application scenarios and habits of users.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
ops.random_gamma(shape, alpha, seed=0, seed2=0)
ops.random_gamma(shape, alpha, seed=None)

- Interface: mindspore.ops.standard_laplace

Change: The seed2 parameter is deleted and seed=0 is changed to None. The framework behavior is unified and complies with the actual application scenarios and habits of users.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
ops.standard_laplace(shape, seed=0, seed2=0)
ops.standard_laplace(shape, seed=None)

- Interface: mindspore.ops.standard_normal

Change: The seed2 parameter is deleted and seed=0 is changed to None. The framework behavior is unified and complies with the actual application scenarios and habits of users.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
ops.standard_normal(shape, seed=0, seed2=0)
ops.standard_normal(shape, seed=None)

- Interface: mindspore.ops.bernoulli

Change: The default value of seed is changed from -1 to None. Meets the actual application scenario.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
ops.bernoulli(x, p=0.5, seed=-1)
ops.bernoulli(input, p=0.5, seed=None)

- Interface: mindspore.data_sink

Change: Deleted the steps parameter. Parameter name jit is changed to jit_config, and new input_signature parameter is added. The usability is improved to meet the requirements of actual application scenarios.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
mindspore.data_sink(fn, dataset, steps,
sink_size=1, jit=False)
mindspore.data_sink(fn, dataset, sink_size=1,
jit_config=None, input_signature=None)

- Interface: mindspore.ops.conv2d

Change: Extend Interface Function. Add the bias parameter and modify the parameter name and parameter sequence.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
conv2d(inputs, weight, pad_mode="valid",
padding=0, stride=1, dilation=1, group=1)
conv2d(input, weight, bias=None, stride=1,
pad_mode="valid", padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1)

- Interface: mindspore.dataset.vision.Pad

Change: Adjust the input parameter padding of Pad, RandomCrop, and RandomCropWithBbox. When the input length of Padding is 2, the first value is used to fill the left/upper boundary, the second value is used to fill the right/lower boundary, and the first value is used to fill the left/right boundary. Fill the upper/lower boundary with the second value.

Description: The padding parameter whose size is 2 is not compatible with the effect of the earlier version. The padding parameter needs to be explicitly represented (left, right, top, and bottom).

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
Indicates that the left/upper part of the image is filled with 1 pixel,
and the right/down part is filled with 2 pixels.
Indicates that the left/upper part of the image is filled with 1 pixel,
and the right/down part is filled with 2 pixels.

- Interface: mindspore.dataset.Dataset.map

Change: Delete the column_order parameter. In most cases, output_columns and column_order have the same value. Therefore, column_order does not need to be transferred. To adjust the sequence of data columns, use mindspore.dataset.Dataset.project.


1. If the column sequence does not need to be changed, delete the column_order parameter.
2. If you need to specify the data column sequence, delete the column_order parameter and add a project method to the end of the parameter for column transformation (as in the following example).

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
>>> dataset = dataset.map(operations=[transforms],
... input_columns=["column_a"],
... output_columns=["column_b", "column_c"],
... column_order=["column_c", "column_b"])
>>> dataset = dataset.map(operations=[transforms],
... input_columns=["column_a"],
... output_columns=["column_b", "column_c"])
>>> dataset = dataset.project(["column_c", column_b"])")

- Interface: mindspore.dataset.Dataset.batch

Change: Delete the column_order parameter. In most cases, output_columns and column_order have the same value. Therefore, column_order does not need to be transferred. To adjust the sequence of data columns, use mindspore.dataset.Dataset.project.


1. If the column sequence does not need to be changed, delete the column_order parameter.
2. If you need to specify the data column sequence, delete the column_order parameter and add a project method to the end of the parameter for column transformation (as in the following example).

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
>>> dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=4,
... input_columns=["column_a"],
... output_columns=["column_b", "column_c"],
... column_order=["column_c", "column_b"])
>>> dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=4, input_columns=["column_a"]
... output_columns=["column_b", "column_c"])
>>> dataset = dataset.project(["column_c", column_b"])")

- Interface: mindspore.dataset.Dataset.batch

Change: Split the batch method into two methods: batch and padded_batch. The pad_info parameter is moved from the batch method to the padded_batch method.

Description: To use the pad_info parameter, use the padded_batch method instead.

<td style="text-align:center"> Original Interface </td> <td style="text-align:center"> Interface v2.0.0-rc1 </td>
>>> dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=4,
... drop_remainder=True, pad_info=...)
>>> dataset = dataset.padded_batch(batch_size=4,
... drop_remainder=True, pad_info=...)

Bug fixes

- [I62I3J] fix inference failure of BGCF network on Ascend 310
- [I7C2W3] fix error issuse of null pointer when enabling multiple loss in parallel pipeline scenarios


Thanks goes to these wonderful people:

alashkari,anzhengqi,archer2049,B.L.LAN,baihuawei,bichaoyang,BJ-WANG,Bokai Li,Brian-K,caifubi,caiyimeng,cathwong,changzherui,ChenDonYY,chenfei_mindspore,chengang,chengbin,chenhaozhe,chenjianping,chenkang,chenweifeng,chuht,chujinjin,davidanugraha,DavidFFFan,DeshiChen,douzhixing,emmmmtang,Erpim,Ethan,fangwenyi,fangzehua,fangzhou0329,fary86,fengyixing,gaoshuanglong,Gaoxiong,gaoyong10,gengdongjie,gongdaguo1,Greatpan,GuoZhibin,guozhijian,hangq,hanhuifeng,haozhang,hedongdong,Henry Shi,heterogeneous_to_backoff_2_0,huangbingjian,huanghui,huangxinjing,hujiahui8,hujingsong,huoxinyou,jachua,jiahongQian,jianghui58,jiangzhenguang,jiaorui,jiaoy1224,jijiarong,jjfeing,JoeyLin,json,JuiceZ,jxl,kairui_kou,KevinYi,kisnwang,KXiong,laiyongqiang,lanzhineng,liangchenghui,liangzelang,LiangZhibo,lianliguang,lichen,ligan,lijunbin,limingqi107,ling,linqingke,liubuyu,liuchao,liuchuting,liujunzhu,liuluobin,liutongtong9,liuyang811,lixiao,liyan2022,liyejun,liyuxia,looop5,luochao60,luojianing,luoyang,luoyuan,lyqlola,maning202007,maoyaomin,Margaret_wangrui,mayadong,MaZhiming,melody,mengyuanli,michaelzhu_70ab,Mohammad Motallebi,moran,NaCN,nomindcarry,OwenSec,panfengfeng,panshaowu,panzhihui,pkuliuliu,qinzheng,qiuzhongya,qujianwei,r1chardf1d0,Renyuan Zhang,RobinGrosman,shaojunsong,shenwei41,Soaringfish,tangdezhi_123,tanghuikang,tan-wei-cheng,TinaMengtingZhang,TronZhang,TuDouNi,VectorSL,wang_ziqi,wanghenchang,wangnan39,wangpingan,wangshaocong,wangshengnan123,wangtongyu6,weichaoran,wind-zyx,wqx,wtcheng,wujueying,wYann,XianglongZeng,xiaohanzhang,xiaotianci,xiaoyao,XinDu,xulei,xumengjuan1,xupan,xwkgch,yanghaoran,yangluhang,yangruoqi713,yangshuo,yangsijia,yangzhenzhang,yanzhenxiang2020,Yanzhi_YI,yao_yf,yefeng,yeyunpeng2020,Yi_zhang95,yide12,YijieChen,YingLai Lin,YingtongHu,youshu,yuchaojie,yuedongli,YuJianfeng,zangqx,ZengZitao,zhangbuxue,zhangdanyang,zhangdong,zhangfanghe,zhangqi,zhangqinghua,zhangyanhui,zhangyinxia,zhangyongxian,zhangzhaoju,zhanzhan,zhengzuohe,ZhidanLiu,zhixinaa,zhoufeng,zhouyaqiang0,zhuguodong,zhupuxu,zhuyuxiao,zichun_ye,zjun,zlq2020,zong_shuai,ZPaC,zuochuanyong,zyli2020,陈宇,范吉斌,冯一航,胡彬,宦晓玲,黄勇,雷元哲,李良灿,李林杰,刘崇鸣,刘力力,刘勇琪,吕浩宇,吕昱峰(Nate.River),没有窗户的小巷,沈竞兴,十六夜,王程浩,王禹程,王振邦,徐安越,徐永飞,杨旭华,于振华,俞涵,张清华,张澍坤,张栩浩,张学同,赵英灼,周超,周洪叶,朱家兴

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