
Latest version: v0.0.13

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Beta version of script for gather info from Your miner API's and send it to minerboard.pro server

* Register https://minerboard.pro/accounts/signup/
* Setup config.ini
* Run

Also You may use pip install instruction [here!](https://github.com/Aksimant/minerboard)
For any question or offers write [support](https://minerboard.pro/support/)

Run localhost API on miners:

add --api (to bat) ZecMiner(nvidia Eqihash)


add -mport -3333 (to bat) ClaymoreDualMiner (AMD/Nvidia Ethash)

Config Example:

NvidiaEquihash = True Choose miner which want to use
Ethash = False

RequestTime = 15 Send statistic every 15 min, may set less but server saved stat only 1 time for 15 min
ecxept miner status online/offline, saves it not less then 1 time in 1 minute.

User = username Your USERNAME in minerboard.pro
Password = password Your PASSWORD in minerboard.pro
MinerName = Your miner name 1 unique name per 1 miner/algorithm

Address = localhost Miner API Address (defaut localhost)
port_nvidia_zec = 42000 Miner API port (ZEC Nvidia miner) (defaut 42000)
port_claymore_eth = 3333 Miner API port (ZEC Claymore miner) (defaut 3333)

Linux version will be uploaded soon



Has known vulnerabilities

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