* Added the following new values to the ``/payment/processor`` validation:
* ``pxp_financial``
* ``trustpay``
* Equivalent domain names are now normalized when ``hash_email`` is used.
For example, ``googlemail.com`` will become ``gmail.com``.
* Periods are now removed from ``gmail.com`` email address local parts when
``hash_email`` is used. For example, ``f.o.ogmail.com`` will become
* Fastmail alias subdomain email addresses are now normalized when
``hash_email`` is used. For example, ``aliasuser.fastmail.com`` will
become ``userfastmail.com``.
* Additional ``yahoo.com`` email addresses now have aliases removed from
their local part when ``hash_email`` is used. For example,
``foo-baryahoo.com`` will become ``fooyahoo.com`` for additional
``yahoo.com`` domains.
* Duplicate ``.com`` s are now removed from email domain names when
``hash_email`` is used. For example, ``example.com.com`` will become
* Certain TLD typos are now normalized when ``hash_email`` is used. For
example, ``example.comcom`` will become ``example.com``.
* Additional ``gmail.com`` domain names with leading digits are now
normalized when ``hash_email`` is used. For example, ``100gmail.com`` will
become ``gmail.com``.
* Additional ``gmail.com`` typos are now normalized when ``hash_email`` is
used. For example, ``gmali.com`` will become ``gmail.com``.
* When ``hash_email`` is used, the local part of an email address is now
normalized to NFC.