In this release, we added support for rendering using Pygame, which improves the previously Matplotlib-based rendering procedure, this is a breaking change that removes `minigrid.utils.window.Window`. A bug in the SymbolicObsWrapper that results in the wrong observation has been fixed. An error in the documentation regarding the reward function has been corrected. The `ObstructedMaze` environments are now ensured to be solvable. The class `minigrid_env.MiniGridEnv.Actions` is removed since it is the same as `minigrid.core.actions.Actions`.
Bug Fixes and Documentation Updates
- For the `MiniGrid-DoorKey-6x6-v0` environment, a hidden variable determining the size was wrong at 5x5, this is updated to 6x6.
- Since the class `minigrid_env.MiniGridEnv.Actions` is the same as `minigrid.core.actions.Actions`, to make the codebase cleaner, we have deleted the class `minigrid_env.MiniGridEnv.Actions`. This is a breaking change. For any code that relies on `minigrid_env.MiniGridEnv.Actions`, you can simply replace it with `minigrid.core.actions.Actions`.
- In `SymbolicObsWrapper`, the grid that records the content of each tile is formatted as `[x, y, item]`, which corresponds to `[col, row, item]`, this causes a mismatch in the observation. This mismatch is now resolved.
- The documentation for the rewards has previously incorrectly stated that the reward is 1 when the environment is solved, while it is actually `1 - 0.9 * (step_count / max_steps)`. Additionally, in `GoToObjectEnv`, there was an error in detecting whether the agent is next to the target. These issues have now been resolved.
- Previously Minigrid relied on a Matplotlib-based rendering backend. We have added a Pygame-based rendering backend that is faster and more consistent with other Farama libraries. As a result, `minigrid.utils.window.Window` has been removed.
- In the `ObstructedMaze` environments, the blocking ball placed by `add_door` may cover the box placed on the map by the previous `add_door`, causing the agent to be unable to open certain doors and complete the task. We have updated several of the `ObstructedMaze` environments to be always solvable and are registered as `v1` versions of the environment.