
Latest version: v0.5.8

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Released on October 10th, 2019, codename Yeni Ridge

- Exposing the set of utility functions used to build the lambda events (issues/35)

- Ability to create a sample API Gateway event
- Ability to create a sample ALB event
- These are the events a lambda function will receive when invoked by the
respective service.



Released on October 8th, 2019, codename Yeni Ridge

- Large refactoring effort to natively support requests from an ALB (issues/33)

- Introducing a new router to keep track of the route/handler pairs
- Refactoring the requests builders to correctly build a MinikRequest based
on the event type (api_request, or alb_request)
- Adding an example to associate a lambda function to an ALB (examples/alb-events)
- Updating documentation.

- Updated the MinikRequest to keep the event received from the lambda function (issues/15).



Released on April 22nd, 2019, codename Yunus III

- Large refactoring effort to make minik more flexible (issues/29)
- Using middleware to build a request for a given event
- Using middleware to handle server errors
- Using middleware to handle exceptions

- Exposing the response object to the view to enable custom headers and
content-types (issues/10)

- Adding debug mode to control whether an exception trace should be sent to
a consumer (issues/24)



Released on March 31st, 2019, codename Yunus II

- Implemented route validation feature (issues/13)

- Updated version of the documentation and README



Released on March 17nd, 2019, codename Yunus I

- First version of documentation is done!

- Added badges to the README and Documentation



Released on February 25th, 2019, codename Yunus

- Minor updates to the pypi definition
- Initial version of the project's documentation (minik/issues/9).
- Implemented feature that allows definition a view for a given (path, http_method)
pair (minik/issues/11).
- Updating readme to be less verbose

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