Changelog - Change ThreadPool and Worker class in (628) <nnehdi> - Fix date parsing (633) <andreparames>
Not secure
Changelog - Override all other regions if region is set (624) <Harshavardhana> - Strip port 80/443 only for the corresponding protocol, http/https (620) <ebozduman>
Not secure
Changelog - Fix test_thread_safe azure gateway failure (619) <ebozduman> - Fix put_object negative test case to fail properly (615) <Harshavardhana> - Fixes 2 tests failing for gateway azure (617) <ebozduman> - fix test_list_objects_with_prefix bug when listing (613) <Harshavardhana> - enable MINT_MODE=full for travis tests (614) <Harshavardhana>
Not secure
Changelog - Adds missing tests and fixes tests with problems (609) <ebozduman> - fix calculate optimal part size bug (608) <刘兴起> - Use sys.exit instead of exit from site packages (604) <Krishnan Parthasarathi> - Update readme for minio-py installation using pip3 (605) <Nitish Tiwari> - Add ap-southeast-2 to aws region specific endpoints (600) <poornas> - translate minio-py docs to Chinese. (597) <dingjs> - Cleanup incomplete upload upon error (599) <Harshavardhana> - add easy-access methods to PostPolicy (596) <Weizheng Xu>
Not secure
Highlights - Minio constructor has changed and is now in following form `Minio(endpoint, access_key=None, secret_key=None, secure=True, region=None, http_client=None)`
Changelog - Allow users to use custom http client in the constructor (589) (4 days ago) <kannappanr> - fix: Order complete multipart list (591) (12 days ago) <A. Elleuch>
Not secure
Changelog - Fixes gcs/azure bucket policy test issues (587) (4 days ago) <ebozduman> - Fix: Use dict.items() instead of dict.iteritems() (586) (3 weeks ago) - tests: Return NA when APINotImplemented for bucket policy (582) (4 weeks ago) - Fix minor bugs in logging format (584) (4 weeks ago) <kannappanr> - Adds support for a generic presigned_url method (580) (4 weeks ago) <ebozduman> - Do not fail input checks for endpoints with as prefix (581) (4 weeks ago) <Harshavardhana> - Fix for issue 574: Introduces log output class (575) (5 weeks ago) <ebozduman>