This is an amendment to release 2.3.4. In 2.3.4 the distortion measure is incorrectly called divergence measure.
- Distortion measure implemented.
- `sigma` now has a different decay function and it can be selected via the parameter `sigma_decay_function` - the user is now warned when `sigma` is higher than `sqrt(x^2+y^2)` - a selection of decay functions for both sigma and learning rate has been implemented by BrandonGarciaWx - the train method now accept `fixed_points` so that the algorithm can be force to train specific neurons for specific samples
- improved structure of hexagonal topology - thanks to aznt00th - improved pca initialization - fixed bug affecting the topographic error - the main notebooks containing the examples are now covered by CI
- Introduce `use_epochs` parameter, when `True` it will keep learning rate and decay constant for an entire epoch. Thanks to jriege555 for submitting this change - Topographic Error can now be computed also for hexagonal grids. Thanks to TharindaDilshan - Fixed issue with pca initialization
- Activation functions can now be defined via callables, thanks to chicodelarosa - The method `distance_map` now has the parameter `neighbour_average` that allows the user to normalize the distances. Thanks to lbugnon