Contributors to this version: Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`), David Huard (:user:`huard`), Travis Logan (:user:`tlogan2000`), Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse (:user:`RondeauG`), and Sébastien Biner (:user:`sbiner`).
* First public release on PyPI.
New features
* Dataset conversion tools (``miranda.convert``) use a JSON-definition file to dynamically populate metadata, run data quality checks, and convert units to CF-compliant standard. Supported datasets are:
- ERA5/ERA5-Land (complete)
- MELCC (stations) (beta)
- ECCC (stations) (alpha)
- NASA DayMet (WIP)
- Hydro Québec (stations) (WIP)
- DEH (stations) (WIP)
* Module (``miranda.eccc``) for ECCC station data and ECCC Adjusted and Homogenized Canadian Climate Data (AHCCD) conversion (WIP).
* Module (``miranda.ncar``) for fetching interpolated CORDEX-NAM (22i/44i) from NCAR AWS data storage.
* Module (``miranda.ecmwf``) for fetching ECMWF ERA5/-Land (single-levels, pressure-levels, monthly-means) datasets via CDSAPI.
* Module (``miranda.gis``) for setting specific subsetting domains used when converting gridded datasets.
* Modules (``miranda.archive`` and ``miranda.remote``) for performing data archiving actions locally and remotely (powered by `fabric <https://github.com/fabric/fabric>`_ and `paramiko <https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko>`_) (WIP).
* Module (``miranda.decode``) for ingesting and parsing dataset metadata based on filename and dataset attributes. Supported datasets are:
- `miranda` converted datasets
- CanDCS-U6 (PCIC)
* Module (``miranda.structure``) for create constructing file-tree databases based on YAML-defined metadata schemas (WIP).
* Modules (``miranda.cv`` and ``miranda.validators``) for validating metadata using ESGF controlled vocabularies (taken from `pyessv-archive <https://github.com/ES-DOC/pyessv-archive>`_) and schema definitions (powered by `schema <https://github.com/keleshev/schema>`_), respectively (WIP).